The Freeman

The Queen City Toastmaste­rs

- Josh Edward Alarcon

“Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see.”

How many know someone who sets health as their top priority, with conviction, for their New Year’s Resolution?

It’s so incredible to see at the start of a New Year people set their health as their greatest importance, but very painful and frustratin­g to see they set it last after a month when reality hits them. You see them flocking in the gym training hard, trying to get back in shape, spending 3 – 4 hours working out. And then when push comes to shove: family issues, peer pressure, work overtime, school papers, business appointmen­ts, they all disappear.

You see, most people fail to commit on their fitness because they treat fitness as a goal, an achievemen­t, and a milestone. When they achieve it, they stop. When they’re too busy, they stop. And when they’re tired, they stop. Your fitness is not a goal, fitness should not be a goal. It’s not even an achievemen­t nor a milestone. I don’t believe fitness should be an achievemen­t, a goal, or a milestone. Instead, fitness is a habit. Fitness is a lifestyle.

When you brush your teeth, do you need to set goals? When you take a bath, is it already an achievemen­t? Imagine someone saying, “Look, I’m too busy at work and I don’t have time for everything. But I promise you my goal is I’ll do my best to take a bath at least 15 minutes every wash, 3 times a week starting next week!” No! That’s not going to happen. “Look, I’ve been so busy lately I don’t even have time to brush my teeth. It’ll be an achievemen­t if I can brush my teeth at least once a day.” No! That’s not going to happen either. Why? Because brushing your teeth and taking a bath is already a habit. It’s already part of our lifestyle and you can’t live without doing those things. Fitness is far from different.

Apparently, people take their health for granted until they lose it. And once they lose it, they will spend all their best times and all their best moments trying to get it back.

Jim Rohn says, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” So if you haven’t done any exercise in your entire life, start now by walking 30 minutes a day. No excuses, commit this to yourself, no excuses. Then gradually, increase the intensity using a quicker pace and stick with that 30 minute time period until such time you can comfortabl­y run. 30 minutes a day that’s all you need. Make it a commitment until it becomes a habit, a part of your daily routine.

Another favorite quote of mine is coming from the late Jack Lalanne, The Godfather of Modern Fitness. He said, “Exercise is King. Nutrition is Queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.” So let’s make it simple. Minimize or better yet avoid any form of sugar. Difficult? Eat fruits, which will solve your problem. Control your carb intake. Love extra rice? Then expect that extra X on your shirt anytime soon. Fast food fanatic? Prepare your food ahead of time. You’ll save money and some extra calories.

Now, some might argue that they can’t manage their time. They’re just too busy. Busier than a machine that works 24 hours a day, 7 times a week. Well, don’t manage your time. Create your time! How? Discipline. If you have to wake up 30 minutes earlier before your alarm clock to exercise, that’s discipline. If you choose vegetables and fruits over cakes and donuts, that’s discipline. If you prefer to commit to this schedule working out 30 minutes every day with no excuses, that is discipline. Take note, a flaccid body builds a flaccid mind. So remember, make fitness a habit and your lifestyle because your life has only two dates and a dash. Make the most of your dash!

*The Queen City Toastmaste­rs meet every 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, 6:30 p.m., at Salt Restaurant.

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