The Freeman

How to age gracefully


Everybody fears of getting old. Hence, a man once declared, “If wrinkles shall be written, it shall be written on my forehead, and not in my heart because I want to stay young forever.”

No one is spared from aging. It happens to anyone in all walks of life.An unknown author declares, “Life will always have its stresses, from family to work to finances. It’s unavoidabl­e and can cause a barrage of health problems like sleeplessn­ess, depression, and heart disease. Some studies suggest stress can make you appear up to 10 years older." However, there are ways one can age gracefully.

One must not exposed oneself to the sun. It’s advisable to use an umbrella. Use sunscreen before going out. Clean your face before going to bed and use moisturize­r. Adopt a positive attitude no matter what challenges one is facing.

Put honey on your face for 10 to 20 minutes before taking a shower.

Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen of “Woman’sDay website,” cites the following tips to age gracefully:

Live well to age well. To prolong your youth, make an effort to maintain a target blood pressure, lower your cholestero­l, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, drink alcohol in moderation, and avoid smoking.

Embrace your work. Loving your work is the most important factor in aging well,’ says Debra Condren, a psychologi­st. When you love what you do, work is like play. Keep your career goals on track and your passion for work alive to feel young and vibrant no matter what age you are.

Maintain a positive attitude. The single most important factor in healthy aging is cultivatin­g a positive attitude. Begin by accepting that nothing in life is permanent, and try to look for the silver lining in every situation. A great attitude can help you enjoy getting older, instead of dreading or simply tolerating it.

Savor the benefits of aging. Make it a point to reflect on the benefits of aging, instead of focusing on the negative. Stop comparing yourself to others, and that’ a great psychic belief.

Get moving. Exercise is an excellent way to give serotonin levels a boost, as well as combat the effects of the stress hormone. Make it a habit to take a brisk walk or swim everyday to keep your arteries healthy and lift feelings of sadness, self- doubt and fatigue.

Final shot: “If you think you’re old, you’ll act and look old too."

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