The Freeman

A Church without a clear message


The flock has no shepherds, or the shepherds are not giving clear signal on the direction to pursue. The nation is in crisis. The Church is either silent or giving signals that contradict each other, confusing the faithful. Today, there is no official Church spokesman, and no clear emphatic message. It is all hush-hush. For instance, one parish priest says one thing, others speak differentl­y. In today's gospel on the Parable of the Wedding Banquet (Matthew in 22:1-14), the banquet host did not give the clear message. Thus, at first, nobody came. And when the originally unlisted guests came, one of them did not wear a wedding robe. That is happening in the Church today.

The CBCP is mysterious­ly silent on important issues. They speak sternly, even harshly on EJKs, but ignore the root cause of all crime, moral decay. The Church has yet to condemn drug syndicates. I have yet to hear them condemn the drug lords' trade that ruins lives, destroys human dignity, and shatters families and marriages. I am a faithful Catholic. I serve as lay minister; my wife is a mother butler. We are active in Catholic renewals and marriage encounters. I was, for many years, a Cursillo leader, and now, I am being invited to the Knights of Columbus. But I seek answers to many questions.

Why is the Church not taking a stand against taipans and tycoons who cheat their workers on wages and benefits? Why are they silent when workers are subjected to illegal dismissals, unfair labor practices, and union-busting? Is it because many of these business magnates contribute and donate to the Church? Why are Catholic schools accepting donations from businessme­n who evade taxes, smuggle, and operate illegal mines that ruin the forests, pollute the water, destroy marine resources, and kill the livelihood­s of farmers and fisher folks? Why are Church leaders condemning only the police while ignoring drug lords, gambling lords, and political warlords?

A priest and many Catholics were kidnapped in Marawi by Maute terrorists. The Church remained silent. The president who vigorously defends the state and the people is being maligned by some Church leaders. What has the Church done to help hungry people in Marawi? The government has spent billions to help, the Church merely criticized. Now, who is responding to the invitation to the wedding banquet of the Lord? The harvest is great but the church is busy criticizin­g. What concrete and positive step has the Church taken? Let us tell the people and give a clear message. If the salt has lost its saltiness, it shall be trampled upon. If light is hidden under a lamp stand, the people are in darkness. Let the Church say its piece. I shall pause for a reply. I am willing to be convinced.

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