The Freeman

GOP Senate hopeful accused of sexual contact with minor


WASHINGTON — Several Republican­s yesterday urged their party's candidate for a vacant US Senate seat to quit the race if an explosive report that he had a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl is true.

Four women, speaking on the record, told The Washington Post that Roy Moore of Alabama pursued them when they were 18 or younger and he was in his early thirties working as an assistant district attorney.

According to the Post, Leigh Corfman, now 53, said when she was 14 Moore took her into his house in the woods near Gadsden, Alabama, removed her shirt and pants, and fondled her over her bra and underpants.

Moore guided her to touch him over his "tight" white underwear, she said.

"I wasn't ready for that," Corfman told the Post.

Moore, who is 70, married for three decades, and the father of four, denied any sexual impropriet­y. His campaign called the Post story "fake news."

"After over 40 years of public service (by Moore), if any of these allegation­s were true, they would have been made public long before now," the Moore campaign said in an email to supporters.

Moore, an antiestabl­ishment conservati­ve and former judge, and Democrat Doug Jones face off in a special Senate election December 12 to replace Jeff Sessions, who is now US attorney general.

The stunning accusation­s by the four women reverberat­ed through Washington.

"If these allegation­s are true, he must step aside," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said. At least a dozen other Republican­s followed suit.

Senator John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidenti­al nominee, immediatel­y declared the allegation­s "disqualify­ing" for Moore.

"He should immediatel­y step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of," McCain said.

But in Alabama, state auditor Jim Zeigler brushed off the bombshell allegation­s, telling the Washington Examiner "there is nothing to see here" — and referencin­g the Bible as a defense.

"Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus," Zeigler told the conservati­ve news outlet. "There's just nothing immoral or illegal here."

"Maybe just a little bit unusual."

 ?? AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE ?? Roy Moore, GOP Senate candidate and former chief justice on the Alabama Supreme Court speaking during the annual Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit at the Omni Shorham Hotel in Washington, DC.
AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE Roy Moore, GOP Senate candidate and former chief justice on the Alabama Supreme Court speaking during the annual Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit at the Omni Shorham Hotel in Washington, DC.

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