The Freeman

UN climate talks end without US


Negotiatio­ns to bolster the climate-saving Paris Agreement, crafted over two decades, closed in Bonn yesterday, deflated but not derailed by Donald Trump's rejection of the treaty and defence of fossil fuels.

The US President's decision to yank the United States from the hard-fought global pact cast a long shadow over the talks, which ran deep into overtime. Negotiatio­ns were marked by revived divisions between developing countries and rich ones.

With a wary eye on America, which sent negotiator­s to a forum it intends to quit, envoys from nearly 200 countries got on with the business of designing a "rule book" for enacting the agreement, which enters into full force in three years' time.

"The Trump administra­tion failed to stop the global climate talks from moving forward," said Greenpeace observer Jens Mattias Clausen. Closing two weeks of talks, negotiator­s agreed in the early hours of yesterday to hold a stocktake in 2018 of national efforts to cut fossil fuel emissions.

The Paris treaty calls for limiting average global warming to "well under" two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) compared to pre-industrial levels, or 1.5 C if possible. Anything over 2 C, experts say, dooms the world to calamitous climate change, with more extreme superstorm­s, droughts, floods, and land-gobbling sea level rise.

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