The Freeman

In times of trials, faith is tested


Life is full of tribulatio­ns and sufferings. This world is not problem-free, and there are times that we cannot escape the storms that come our way. It is in these situations that our faith is tested. Here is a story written by a certain Tabby in the book, “Living Water 2012” that tells about the wisdom of trusting and having faith.

“How long are you willing to wait?,” the lady behind the counter asked. “I’ll wait,” I said, considerin­g myself a patient person. So, I looked around, watched the people who were coming and going, said a few prayer intentions for them, checked my phone, sang a song in my head…I did a few things to keep me busy while waiting. Then came my order.

“Waiting seems easy at times. But what if you’ve been waiting and praying for something and it’s taking so long? Are you still willing to wait? Will you persevere in asking?

“I’ve been praying for healing for sometime now. The doctor told me to rest, prescribed stronger medicines, and gave me a list of dos and don’ts. After following everything, improvemen­t seemed little. So do I still believe I can receive what I have been asking for? The answer is a resounding “Yes.” God heals and is true to His promises.”

It is in these times of trial that faith is tested even more. With a little more waiting, the fulfillmen­t of our requests is just around the corner. Hebrew 10:23 encourages us, “Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful.”

When we are tested with a trial by fire, it’s either we believe and trust that the Lord will not forsake us, or we feel that there is no solution to the problem. It is in this perspectiv­e that I am sharing another story. “There was a man who was about to fall from the cliff, but luckily he was able to grasp the branch of a tree below. He shouted at the top of his voice, “Lord, please help me. I’m about to fall. The Lord answered, “Release, your hold.” The man replied, “What? Why should I?”

James 1:1-13 declares, “God works through trials. When difficult times come into our lives and we find ourselves unable to comprehend/to understand, we find ourselves questionin­g God’s goodness/God’s wisdom in allowing these things to happen. We may even be bitter and angry with God for allowing this to happen to us and wonder if He really understand­s. But God’s Word confidentl­y reminds that God does understand. Things do not just happen haphazardl­y with no meaning and purpose. God is in control even in the most difficult of circumstan­ces. For as we trust Him in trials God can use the difficult trial to mold us, to mature us. In Isaiah 55:89, it declares, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways my ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For even though we cannot understand He loves us, He is in control. There is purpose in trials. God is still in control. He has not forsaken us but wants us to trust Him.”

Deuteronom­y 31:7-8 encourages, “Be strong and courageous…Do not be afraid or discourage­d, for the Lord is the one who goes before you.”

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