The Freeman

Something big

- Maymay R. Salvosa

Embrace me today and every day, Lord. May I always remember that I matter in Your eyes. Amen.

1 Samuel 15:16-23 Psalm 50:8-9,16-17,21,23 Mark 2:18-22

“I’m preparing you for something big.” My eyes popped open when I heard the Lord speak to my heart. I was in Baguio then for a personal retreat. Most of my batchmates were graduating, but I had to stay for one more semester because I shifted courses. I felt bad about myself. I questioned my past decisions and doubted God’s direction. I asked Him, “How can an insecure and confused failure like me accomplish something big for You?”

No answer. I bombarded Him with my pessimism until I got tired and just kept quiet. As I sat still, I felt an indescriba­ble peace and heard God’s comforting voice again. “I got this, OK? I got you.”

Today, I finally understand what He meant. To do something big for God doesn’t mean to build a mega-church or make a name In Hollywood (but why not? Ha, ha!). It means spreading His great love in the simplest ways – listening to others, speaking and writing about His faithfulne­ss, and sharing love to the world one person at a time. He used my “smallness” to empathize with others and to testify that there’s more to life than our failures.

There is no bigger mission than to love – and no one is too small, too poor, or too insignific­ant to fulfill that call. Because we are all big in God’s eyes.

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