The Freeman

Trump speech puts emotion ahead of problem-solving

- Jonathan Lemire/AP

In vivid detail, President Donald Trump told stories ofAmerican heroism, heartbreak and tragedy in his emotionall­y charged first State of the Union. What he didn't detail were solutions to the crises ahead.

Trump's 80-minute speech surveyed familiar territory for a president drawn to drama. He warned of gangs, nuclear threats, the drug epidemic and unlawful immigrants. He highlighte­d guests in the crowd, a group representi­ng a mix of valor and victimhood, which he used to illustrate his calls for patriotism and perseveran­ce.

"No people on Earth are so fearless, or daring, or determined as Americans," Trump said. "If there is a mountain, we climb it. If there is a frontier, we cross it. If there is a challenge, we tame it. If there is an opportunit­y, we seize it."

But his vision for a way out of what he once described as "American carnage" was not nearly as clear. Although he said lowering prescripti­on drug prices would be "one of my greatest priorities," he did not suggest a strategy for getting it done. He hinted at hopes for reforming prisons, supporting family leave and improving job training, with little meat on the bone. He raised hopes for an infrastruc­ture plan but provided little guidance as to how the plan should be funded.

Trump's most detailed proposal was, perhaps, the most contentiou­s. When he outlined his four-part immigratio­n plan, a grimfaced House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi held up her hands to try to silence the booing Democrats. Republican­s, too, have deep reservatio­ns about his hopes for cutting legal immigratio­n.

The debate has left the fate of hundreds of thousands "Dreamer" immigrants uncertain, as they wait for a Trump-imposed expiration date for the program that protects them from deportatio­n. Trump did not acknowledg­e that hurdle Tuesday, or the government shutdown looming if Democrats hold to their demands that a Dreamer deal must be tied to a budget plan.

He did advocate for compromise-an unusual role for the often strident president.The deal is a "down-the-middle compromise," he said. "One where nobody gets everything they want, but where our country gets the critical reforms it needs."

Democrats are likely to remain deeply skeptical about Trump's ability to play the role of bipartisan broker. He has often shifted positions without notice and, at times, seemed unfamiliar with details.

Ever the salesman, Trump spent much of his speech highlighti­ng the accomplish­ments of the last 12 months while taking credit for the nation's roaring economy and booming stock market. Suppressin­g his penchant for making the moment about himself, he repeatedly highlighte­d the guests sitting in the Capitol, each of whom possessed a powerful story.

His Twitter largely silent for a day, Trump holstered his usual partisan weaponry in favor of "an open hand to work with members of both parties, Democrats and Republican­s, to protect our citizens, of every background, color and creed." —

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