The Freeman

PDP-Laban recognizes VM Labella

- — Odessa O. Leyson/FPL

Despite admitting that Cebu City Vice Mayor Edgardo Labella has yet to complete the required Basic Membership Seminar, an official of Partido Demokratik­o Pilipino-Laban (PDPLaban) said the party has already considered him a member.

Department of Tourism Assistant Secretary Daniel Ebarle Mercado, vice chairman of PDPLaban membership committee, said the party leadership recognized Labella as member of the party.

“PDP-Laban Region 7 Council has already concluded that Vice Mayor Labella is the choice for Cebu City. The party obviously has serious plans for him. It's only just a matter of time and in the very near future,” Mercado said.

Mercado said the vice mayor submitted the necessary documents for his membership on January 22. He explained it was not Labella's fault because the committee tasked to conduct membership seminars failed to schedule it.

“Even our National Secretary General Speaker Alvarez among others also acknowledg­es this and it's just a matter of time he completes the final stage, which is his Basic Membership Seminar and he will be an official PDP-Laban Associate member, which means he at that point is a LEGITIMATE MEMBER of the party,” Mercado said.

Once Labella completed the basic membership seminar, the party will issue a certificat­ion detailing that he has complied the procedure of the membership. By then, the vice mayor has already the authority to restructur­e the PDP-Laban Cebu City Chapter being the appointed president.

Mayor Tomas Osmeña hit Labella for allegedly pretending to be a legitimate member of PDP-Laban.

“I am just showing the question of integrity, you cannot pretend na it's really legitimate, to me, it's bastos, siguro at least you follow the rules, they don't want to follow the rules,” Osmeña said.

The mayor said PDP-Laban has set rules to follow before a certain person is recognized as legitimate member.

“Well, you will not become a member until you complete the seminar, that's the rule and he is not the president,” Osmeña said.

Osmeña said the public should also know that members of Barug Team Rama are “turncoat” type of people.

“I am just voicing out, it's not a question whether or not I am involved in the party, it's a question of integrity, can you be trusted? … mga Binay balimbing who will just take over a party, it's like an invasion,” he said.

“Why do you make him as president without telling the other president that you have a new president, that's what I'm questionin­g …It's the dishonesty and the deception and how they treat the existing members and the existing officers of PDPLaban, I am not going to join,” Osmeña added.

He asked Labella to show his appointmen­t documents designatin­g him as party president in Cebu City.

“I ask him to show any written appointmen­t of him as president because many people in the party are complainin­g to me,” Osmeña said.

Labella said he is not the only one who has yet to undergo the basic membership seminar. He reiterated that he has no problem with Lorna Bacalla being the other PDP-Laban president.

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