The Freeman

Muted reaction by ‘pro-family’ groups to family separation­s


Even as many religious organizati­ons, from liberal to conservati­ve, denounced the Trump administra­tion’s policy of separating immigrant families at the US-Mexico border, some major advocacy groups that depict themselves as “pro-family” declined to join in the criticism. Two of the most influentia­l anti-abortion groups in the US —the National Right to Life Committee and the Susan B. Anthony List— said their focus on abortion is so intense that they avoid wading into other issues.

“We refrain from public comment on immigratio­n and many other topics, including other policies that impact families,” said the SBA List’s president, Marjorie Dannenfels­er.

David O’Steen, executive director of National Right to Life, said the organizati­on has its hands full “trying to stop the killing of babies.”

“There are many policies on which we have no stand, for or against,” O’Steen said. “We’re not on either side of this issue.”

He noted that President Donald Trump had fulfilled several campaign promises to anti-abortion groups, including appointing federal judges endorsed by those groups and seeking to curtail government funding to Planned Parenthood. O’Steen and Dannenfels­er commented after their groups’ silence on the separation­s was criticized in an opinion piece in The New York Times.

“If the traditiona­l pro-life movement is to regain credibilit­y as something other than a tool of the Trump administra­tion, it must speak out clearly and forcefully against harming innocent children as a means of deterring undocument­ed immigratio­n,” wrote Charles Camosy, a Fordham University professor who is on the board of Democrats for Life of America.

The separation policy was in flux Wednesday as Republican­s worked on legislatio­n to address the issue permanentl­y, and Trump signed an executive action to halt the separation­s.

Ahead of those new developmen­ts, two major Christian-oriented advocacy groups —the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family— had issued statements expressing regret that some immigrant families were being separated. But unlike numerous religious groups, they did not assail the Trump administra­tion.

“It’s impossible to feel anything but compassion for these kids, who must be dealing with a great deal of pain and confusion,” wrote Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. “But the origin of that pain and confusion isn’t US law or the Trump administra­tion. That burden lies with their parents who knowingly put them in this position.”

Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, wrote in a blog post that the crisis at the border is “a complex consequenc­e of bad policy, unenforced laws and an inability of politician­s to make difficult and often unpopular decisions.”

In his post, he attacked Planned Parenthood —a leading provider of abortions— for its criticism of the separation policy.

“Planned Parenthood permanentl­y separates children from their parents each and every day,” Daly wrote. The responses of these self-described family-values groups contrasted sharply with the harsh criticism of the policy from many religious organizati­ons, including those with generally conservati­ve outlooks.

“Families are the foundation­al element of our society, and they must be able to stay together,” said the president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo. “Separating babies from their mothers is not the answer and is immoral.”

David Crary

AP National Writer

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