The Freeman

Eye Diseases and Disorders

- — from by Jeremy Beadle (Signe) By Mao Shing Ni, L.Ac., D.O.M., PhD

• In 1901, muchdespis­ed movie-mogul

Harry Cohn was born. As head of Columbia Pictures he declared. “Let Rembrandt make the character studies, not us.” It was claimed by Hedda Hopper that “you had to stand in line to hate him.” Director Elia Kazan put it more poetically, saying “He liked to be the biggest bug on the manure pile.” Even Cohn himself admitted that “Gower Street is paved with the bones of my producers.” So perhaps Red Skeleton`s famous comment about the huge crowds at Cohn`s funeral wasn’t in such bad taste after all. “It proves what they say,” said Red. “Give the public what they want to see, and they`ll come out for it.”

• In 1884, cabin boy Richard Parker was killed and eaten by the three other survivors of the wrecked yacht Mignonette. For 20 days the four had drifted in their lifeboat through the South Atlantic, with just two tins of vegetables and not a drop of water. In desperatio­n, Richard drank seawater and collapsed. The other three men, seeing him as their only means of survival, killed him and ate him a piece at a time until they were rescued. Fortysix years earlier Edgar Allan Poe had written a story entitled “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon PYN of Nantucket,” and in it, four survivors of a shipwreck who were marooned in an open boat killed and ate one of their number – and his name was Richard Parker.!

More than ever, we are using our eyes to stare at small type and images on computer screens, television­s, and cell phones – which leads to eye fatigue and an increase in age-related eye problems. But diminished eyesight does not have to be an inevitable part of living long. Follow these three tips to sharpen your own vision so you can see your way to a future of longevity.

Eat for Bright Eyesight

Protect your eyes with a proper diet! Your eyes require multiple nutrients to function optimally. Start with Vitamins A, C, E, and minerals like copper and zinc.

Antioxidan­ts, including beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, protect the macula from sun damage. Get these antioxidan­ts from dark leafy greens, egg yolks, yellow peppers, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and carrots. Current research shows that consuming yellow and green vegetables can help prevent age-related macular generation, a leading cause of blindness.

Foods rich in sulfur, cysteine, and lecithin help protect the lens of the eye from cataract formation. Excellent choices include garlic, onions, shallots, and capers. Anthocyani­n-rich blueberrie­s, grapes, and goji berries have antioxidan­t and anti-inflammato­ry properties that can help improve eyesight. DHA – a fatty acid found in coldwater fish like wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, and cod – provides structural support to cell

Many eye diseases have no early symptoms. These may be painless, and the person may see no change in his or her vision until the disease has become quite advanced.

The single best way to protect one’s vision is through regular profession­al eye examinatio­ns. Of course, between examinatio­ns, if the person notices a change in vision – or thinks his eye may be injured in any way – he shall contact an eye-care profession­al immediatel­y.

Age-Related Macular Degenerati­on.

Called AMD, for short, this problem is the physical disturbanc­e of the center of the retina called the macula.

Bulging Eyes.

Also called proptosis, this occurs when one or both eyes protrude from the eye sockets due to space taking lesions such as swelling of the muscles, fat, and tissue behind the eye.

These are a degenerati­ve form of eye disease in which the lens gradually becomes opaque and vision mists over.

In rare cases, children develop cataracts in the first few years of their lives.


Cataracts in Babies.

membranes to boost eye health.

Exercise Your Eyes

These simple exercises will help you maintain optimal vision and may also keep those annoying eye floaters at bay. Perform these exercises first thing in the morning, before bedtime, or any time your eyes feel fatigued. Make sure that your hands are clean and that your mood is relaxed. Commit to daily practice and you may just see better results within one month.

Warm your eyes. Rub your palms together to create heat, and then place them against your eyes for five seconds. Repeat this three times.

CMV Retinitis.

It is a serious infection of the retina that often affects people with AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and that may also affect people with other immune disorders.

Color Blindness.

It is not actually blindness in the true sense but rather is a color vision deficiency – people who are affected by it simply do not agree with most other people about color matching.

Also known as strabismus, it occurs when a person's eyes are not able to align on the same point at the same time, and appear to be misaligned or pointed in different directions.

Crossed Eyes.

Diabetic Macular Edema.

Also called DME, for short, it is caused by fluid accumulati­on in the macula. Patients with DME typically experience blurred vision which can be severe.

Eye Floaters and Eye Flashes.

These are small specks or clouds that move across one’s field of vision – especially when he is looking at a bright, plain background, like a blank wall or a cloudless blue sky.

It occurs when a


Roll your eyes. Start by looking up and then slowly circle 10 times clockwise and 10 times counterclo­ckwise.

Focus. Hold a pen at arm's length, focus your eyes on it, and slowly bring the pen closer until it's about six inches away from your nose. Then slowly move it back, keeping your eyes focused on the pen, 10 times in all.

Massage your temples. Using your thumb knuckles, massage your temples in small circles, 20 times in one direction and 20 in the other. Repeat the same actions above the mid-point of the eyebrows at the forehead, then below the eyes on both sides of the bridge of the nose.

Take a mini-nap. Put your head back, close your eyes, and relax for three minutes.

Give Your Eyes Some R&R

Getting enough sleep allows your eyes to fully rest, repair, and recover. Insufficie­nt sleep may weaken your vision, so shoot for eight hours of sound sleep a night.

Give your eyes a break once an hour during your workday: Rest your eyes 10 minutes for every 50 minutes spent reading or in front of the computer. If your eyes feel overly tired, lie down and place cooling cucumber slices over your eyelids. build-up of fluid in the eye creates pressure, damaging the optic nerve.

This occurs when the cornea in the front of the eye, which normally is round, becomes thin and cone shaped.

Amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye, is poor vision in an eye that does not receive adequate use during early childhood.


Lazy Eye.

Low Vision.

Whenever ordinary glasses or contact lenses don't produce clear vision, the person is considered to have low vision.

It is an increase in pressure in the eye that is above the range that is considered normal.

Ocular Hypertensi­on.

Retinal Detachment.

When the retina detaches, light sensitive membrane in the back of the eye becomes separated from the nerve tissue and blood supply underneath it.

Sometimes the eyelid simply twitches.

It is the inflammati­on of the inside the eye, specifical­ly affecting one or more of the three parts of the eye that make up the uvea.

Eyelid Twitching.


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