The Freeman

Why the president hates self-righteous people?


President Rody Duterte may not be as prim and proper as presidents Cory and Noynoy Aquino, but with him you get what you see. Digong is authentic and genuine; no frills, pretension­s, or embellishm­ents. He even dresses just like an ordinary man. He speaks what he feels, uttering words that are not scripted, rehearsed, or contrived. He does not embellish speeches with the purist Tagalog of Balagtas as PNoy used to do. Digong calls a spade a spade, and does not care about manners, social graces, propriety, or protocol. What matters most is that he is honest, and this rubs people the wrong way.

The president doesn't hide his aversion against some religious and consecrate­d persons who sound like they have a monopoly on holiness or a torens title to salvation. He also hates human rights activists and pseudo-activists who are too fixated on the rights, dignity, and safety of drug lords, couriers, and addicts, while remaining unmindful of those who are murdered, raped, robbed and devastated by criminals.

The president also hates the United Nations, the USA, internatio­nal human rights activists, and all those people and institutio­ns who arrogate unto themselves the moral and legal ascendancy to tell him how to run his country and serve his people. He has no tolerance for people who are in the comfort of their ivory towers very far removed from the realities on the ground, safe, sound, and secure where they are, and yet have the temerity to tell him what to do and what not to do in governing the Philippine­s. He always told them to go to hell. He has a nation to govern, and a people to protect.

The president hates politician­s who have no executive accountabi­lity to the people, characters like Leila de Lima and Antonio Trillanes, who are paid millions in public funds but who have not made a single positive contributi­on to nation-building and the rule of the law. It was de Lima, who defied the Supreme Court order to allow GMA to leave for the USA for medical treatment. That was a monumental arrogance in violation of law. She ordered her Immigratio­n subordinat­es to hold GMA and prevent her from having her ailment treatment. Now, she is complainin­g of human rights violations? Look, who is talking. Trillanes? You ask the owners of Manila Peninsula Hotel what he did there. The president hates these kinds of people, all contrived self-righteousn­ess and nothing authentic. Let them show performanc­e or shut their mouths, he will admonish such all-talk, and nothing-doing demagogues.

Now, tell me, who are fakes and who are authentic? Let the people judge.

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