The Freeman

Mandaue vows to curb red tape and corruption

- Ehda M. Dagooc

In its bid to become the premier investment-friendly hub in the country, the Mandaue City government made a firm commitment to wipe out red tape and corruption.

This according to Mandaue City Mayor Gabriel Luis Quisumbing in his speech at the Mandaue Business Summit held at Oakridge Pavilion.

The Mayor cited the city’s effort in tightening its monitoring of the different department­s that provide services to the business community, such as the Office of Business Official (OBO), and other agencies with administra­tive functions.

In fact, Mandaue City recently appointed a new OBO officer-incharge, as part of the City administra­tion’s “clean-up” drive to cut down corruption and improve the ease of doing business in Mandaue.

“We want to make sure we step out from corruption. We are serious in eliminatin­g red tape within Mandaue,” Quisumbing told the business community.

Yesterday’s opening of Mandaue Business Month, organized by Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) carried the theme “Breaking Boundaries. Defying Limits,” was also graced by a battery of speakers who are experts in their fields such as former finance chief Jesus Estanislao, and Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) president Alegria Sibal Limjoco, among others.

Quisumbing reiterated his appeal to the business sector not to hesitate in telling the government how to do its job.

He also updated the business community of his government’s fierce action towards improving the peace and order situation, although he admitted that the recent killings are largely due to drug-related issues. Otherwise, the City’s crime rate index fell further in 2018.

He also reported that his government will be installing special offices to oversee the business districts or zones, like the North Reclamatio­n Area (NRA) in order to provide more focused services to investors or businesses.

The creation of the NRA Authority, will serve as a benchmark for installing similar special offices that will serve specified zones and industries. —

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