The Freeman

Activities to Help Strengthen Sibling Bond


Having several children is wonderful. But there are certainly unique challenges. One of which is helping to create strong sibling relationsh­ips.

Here are five activities that nurture the sibling bond: Compete Against Mom and Dad. Let the kids team up and compete against Mom and Dad – and watch those kids unite! Physical games are ideal – tag, flags, hideand-seek, or a water fight. Mom and Dad versus the kids is a lot of fun for both sides. A water fight, especially, may be just be the motivation your kids need to work together – the opportunit­y to soak their parents!

Super Messy Play. One of the main difference­s in many homes between the adults and the children is the level of enjoyment out of messy things. Some families go for messes for the sake of fun and learning. But others would be perfectly fine without participat­ing in ‘slime’, ‘gloop’, or ‘gluck’ activities.

Make Birthdays a Big Deal. In some homes, birthdays are just naturally big events. These do not have to be big in cost or style – just big on celebratin­g the special birthday boy or girl. It is the celebrant’s one very special day. He or she get to choose dinner, games, activities, special snacks, everything! And the parents lead in spending the whole day making, doing, and being as a family.

Each brother or sister has a full day to think about and appreciate the birthday boy or girl. Everyone participat­es. And since everyone has a birthday, everyone knows they get a special day too.

Have an Annual Sibling Sleepover Party. A good time would be the night before someone’s birthday or on Christmas Eve. The kids all sleep on the floor, and eventually on one another. There’ll be a lot of giggling and storytelli­ng and snacking that goes on. This is such a wonderful bonding tradition for the young siblings.

Family Time. Spending time together as a family is a wonderful way for siblings to bond. Going on outings, having many experience­s together, and spending lots of time as a complete family is important for bonding. It will give the little ones memories and lots of “remember when!” opportunit­ies. Many families have traditions that they observe every year in the hopes that when the little ones get older they will still want to participat­e in these family events.

Arguments among siblings – even between kids and parents – happen and, that just as quickly, the giggles happen too. And at the end of the day, everyone in the family truly love and care about one another.

Having several kids can certainly pose some challenges. And for sure parents say things every day that they never thought they would. But parents are so happy that the little ones have siblings to grow, love, and learn with.

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