The Freeman




1. Wooden shoe

6. Small island

10. Anagram of “Cabs”

14. Any compound of oxygen

15. Honey insects

16. Spring

17. Leather shorts

19. Thorny flower

20. Black Sea port

21. Reverence

22. Ailments

23. Swelling under the skin

25. Church recesses

26. F F F F

30. Polecat

32. Detach

35. Obsolete

39. Located in the north

40. Sullen

41. Cardigan

43. Bad-mouth

44. Preclude

46. Flower stalk

47. Astray

50. Swerves

53. Baroque composer

54. Martini ingredient

55. Not the youngest

60. Against

61. Pronounced

63. See the sights

64. Winglike

65. Mistake

66. At one time (archaic)

67. Scrabble piece

68. Famous


1. Alone

2. Cut down

3. Remain

4. Poems

5. Brusque

6. Nigerian tribesman

7. Benni

8. Upwind

9. Feudal worker

10. Sacred Christian writings

11. Chills

12. Passageway

13. Consecrate

18. Possessed

24. F

25. Fable writer

26. Wanes

27. Current

28. Not aft

29. Pullover

31. Edges

33. Promises

34. Took flight

36. Classify

37. Being

38. Consider

42. A pasta dish

43. Consumed food

45. Available to lease

47. Decrease

48. Country estate

49. Convulsion

51. Record (abbrev.)

52. Streamline­d

54. Annoying insect

56. “Phooey!”

57. River of Spain

58. Not fast

59. Small slender gull

62. Fury


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