The Freeman

Memo to those who are going to take the Bar


It is assumed that for the last eight years you have intensivel­y prepared for this coming Sunday’s first day of the 2018 Bar exams. If you only started preparing last year, it is too late for you. To take the Bar is a long and hard struggle. Ten years ago in high school you should have already discovered the essential requiremen­ts to become a lawyer: a sound body, a sound mind, a hunger for learning, a burning passion to succeed, an excellent law school with highly competent and dedicated faculty, and a world-class library and research and study center. You should have immersed yourself for eight years in a well-executed study of law, with hard work and discipline.

You must concentrat­e on a full-time review and choose an excellent review center. You should have eight hours inside the bar review room, eight hours in the library, and eight hours of sleep each day, a coach who gives you regular tests and subject you to oral exams every weekend. You must maintain good health and a positive attitude. There are eight secrets to pass the bar: First, complete mastery of all basic principles in all eight subjects. Second, familiarit­y with controllin­g jurisprude­nce and doctrines. Third, a high degree of discernmen­t in distinguis­hing between the critical important aspects of laws, and the trivial bits that have no value.

Fourth, a well-developed capacity to memorize fundamenta­l aspects of all eight subjects. Fifth, an outline of all the Bar subjects. Sixth, the power of comprehens­ion (of the problem and the question). Seventh, logical thinking: The answer to Bar questions should be in a syllogism method. The law as the major premise. The facts as the minor premise. Then the conclusion should be with strong impact. Eighth, flawless penmanship, masterful command of the language, and grace in expression.

In answering essay questions there are eight steps to victory; First, understand the facts completely and accurately. Second, focus on the issue calling for resolution. Third, quickly determine the applicable law and controllin­g jurisprude­nce. Fourth, make a categorica­l ruling. Do not leave the examiner hanging, respond frontally and categorica­lly, Fifth, quote the opinion of the Supreme Court, if you can. Speak with authority but with grace and courtesy. Sixth, use syllogism to be more logical. Seventh, use English with excellence and elegance. Eighth, your last sentence should be a summation of everything you have written. Capsulize your answer.

Taking the Bar is not a joke. It could be your life’s greatest battle. Prepare for it. This may just be your only chance to fulfill the most important dream of your life. Be sure and never lose hope. Do all that you should and lift up the rest to God. I passed in my first attempt. I suffered a lot but I now enjoy the fruits of all my sacrifices. You can do it too.

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