The Freeman

The Bearded Man

There is no denying that men wearing beards have a kind of appeal that is hard to explain. Many women find them attractive. And, to other men, they tend to exude a kind of power.


That’s a generaliza­tion, of course. But, really, bearded men take on a certain character. They’re just easy to spot.

Okay, perhaps they stand out because most men are clean shaven. Whatever the reason for their eyecatchin­g quality, there’s no question that bearded men look ‘different’. For the most part, the difference seems to go way beyond the beard.

Beards make guys look tough. Guys with ‘soft’facial features harden up a bit by wearing a beard. That’s all visual effect, though; but it helps, especially for men who are grappling with low self-esteem. Growing a beard allows a man to show off his personalit­y and personal style.

Proof that beards are quite a thing with men is the fact that many are digging beard fashion these days. They believe that wearing a beard will turn heads their way on the street, both women’s and other men’s. Good for them, there are various beard styles to choose from.

Throughout the ages the beard has always been a precious attribute for men. It suggests maturity and wisdom in the days of old, a solid character in the recent times, and a strong fashion statement today. Thus, this facial hair deserves to be treated with care. The website www.menshairst­ shares useful tips for bearded men:

• Be patient, sometimes beards can take time to grow to the desired length you want. The trick is to keep it trimmed and to keep applying products to it to help it grow.

• Trim it regularly, this is extremely important to stimulate the growth and to keep it in shape. Trimming it regularly will also avoid your beard getting into a bad state and becoming patchy in places. There is a misconcept­ion that letting the beard grow for weeks and not trimming it will help it grow quicker, but this will only damage the quality of the beard.

• Take care of it by using oils and creams. Applying these products onto your beard will make it look and feel clean and healthy. It will also ensure that your beard doesn’t dry out – which is not a good look! Applying oil onto your beard is important, as the oil from your face won’t reach the full length of your beard.

• Wash it and comb it regularly for your beard to stay strong and healthy. Washing it regularly will also ensure that your beard doesn’t smell.

• Be careful with razor blades, as you don’t want to cut your skin or take off too much hair that may make your beard look out of proportion or that you’ve had a bad cut at your barber’s!

• Ensure you have a healthy diet, as your beard is reliant on vitamins B5, B3 and B9.

Whether it’s thin stubble or a full-blown beard, or anything in between, there’s a beard style to complement every shape of face. Some men just have it; others have to exert some effort to grow it. But all those who want to wear a beard must care for it.

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