The Freeman

Common Illnesses During Cold Weather

As temperatur­es drop, the risk for contractin­g illness goes up. Dr. Karen Evans, a family medicine specialist at Lawrence’s Mt. Oread Family Practice, identifies a few common cold-weather ailments – it turns out that there’s more than just flu on the hori

- By Joanna Hlavacek

Seasonal Allergies

“Allergies tend to kick the whole thing off,” Dr. Evans says of the onslaught of viral diseases that tend to hit after the cold days of December.

Those suffering from seasonal allergies are more likely to contract a virus because their immune systems are already under attack. Often, Dr. Evans says, patients experienci­ng prolonged viral symptoms may also be battling allergies, “even if they don’t realize” it.

Just because summer is yet far away doesn’t mean there aren’t allergens floating around. Mold, ragweed and dust mites are some of the most common seasonal-allergy triggers.

Bronchitis and Pneumonia

While colder weather does indeed constrict blood flow, leading to higher blood pressure, “the majority of what we see tends to be respirator­y in nature,” Dr. Evans says of cold-weather ailments.

In her practice, that often means bronchitis and pneumonia. “A lot of times, those types of things are exacerbati­ons of [chronic conditions like] asthma and COPD, which means they become acutely worse,” Dr. Evans says.


As temperatur­es cool down, family practition­ers will sometimes see an occasional flare-up of gastroente­ritis, also known as stomach flu, Dr. Evans says.

“Sometimes people think they’ve got the flu,” she says, but “most of the time it’s a different virus” that causes the diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and fever (not all at once, necessaril­y) associated with gastroente­ritis.

Seasonal Flu

A list of cold-weather illnesses wouldn’t be complete, of course, without influenza. Flu season generally kicks off around October and peaks between December and March, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

While young children, seniors (anyone over 65 is considered at risk) and those with chronic conditions such as asthma and COPD are probably the most vulnerable, flu can infect pretty much anyone, and with serious consequenc­es, Dr. Evans says.

“It’s the healthier people who tend to get the sickest, believe it or not,” she says. “I’ve heard of cases where a young, healthy person with normal lung function ends up in the ICU.”

That’s why Dr. Evans stresses the importance of flu shots. They’re available at just about any doctor’s office or pharmacy around town, where prices are affordable even for a high-dose version for those 65 and older.

Flu shots may even be available at the Health Department recommends the vaccinatio­n for everyone six months and older.

What else can you do?

Guard your body against viruses, Dr. Evans suggests, with vitamin C, zinc and echinacea. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids (eightounce glasses of water a day being the old standby recommenda­tion) and getting enough sleep (most health authoritie­s suggest seven to nine hours for the average adult).

“As life gets busy during this time of year, that’s hard to do, but it would probably make more of a difference than anything else,” Dr. Evans says of shut-eye.

Other common-sense strategies: Wash your hands, and make sure to wipe down publicly shared surfaces such as grocery carts, phones and door knobs often, Dr. Evans says.

Already feeling symptoms? Sleeping in colder, drier air (with your mouth open) during the cold months can lead to a sore throat when you wake up. To that end, Dr. Evans recommends a humidifier in the bedroom. Or, in the morning, try a cup of hot tea to soothe a scratchy throat fast.

“If you can do that and feel better, you can probably avoid going to the doctor,” Dr. Evans say.

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