The Freeman

A nation in prayer


While the nation awaits the truth behind the May 13 election glitch, now is perhaps the best time to ask every Filipino to come together, unite in prayer, for God to lead us to his truth, his way, and his life.

Can we consider a united nation in prayer to ask God to heal our divided and broken land? Shall we do an interfaith daily prayer campaign for God to completely take over our land and especially bless us with his peace and genuine servantlea­ders?

Various religions have their own ways and schedules for prayers. The Catholics, for example, have their 3 o'clock afternoon devotion to the Divine Mercy and the 6 p.m. Angelus. Some places may still practice the age-old tradition of having the bells ring at 8 p.m. to remember the dead.

All of us can start the daily prayer campaign on time schedules and ways we have all become accustomed to, that are convenient for us all. What will be different is a collective, national awareness, and consciousn­ess that we are all praying together, daily, from now on, for our nation, with all other Filipinos. Together, each day, as a nation, let us ask God to heal our land, to bless his servant-leaders to lead our country along his truth, his way, his life.

Can we do this national daily interfaith prayer campaign together? Can we start today where we are? Please ask your family, friends, neighbors, all others to join together and pray for our country, for our people, to be guided back to God, his peace and love.

We hope social media users and media will join and spread this call for a daily, national interfaith prayer campaign for the Philippine­s and our Filipino people!

Then, let us all be amazed by God's glorious grace for healing our land as we do this daily, national inter-faith prayer campaign!

And to inspire us, this May 24th reflection from L. B. Cowman's “Streams in the Desert”:

“So take heart, dear child, when God requires you to wait. The One you wait for will not disappoint you. He will never be even five minutes behind “the appointed time.” And soon, “your grief will turn to joy.” (John 16:20).

“If God had told Abraham while he was in Haran that he would have to wait thirty years before holding His promised child in His arms, his heart might have failed him. So God, as an act of His gracious love, hid from Abraham the number of weary years he would be required to wait. Only as the time was approachin­g, with but a few months left to wait, did God reveal His promise…The “appointed time” came at last, and soon the joyous laughter that filled the patriarch's home caused the now elderly couple to forget their long and tiring wait.”

“Oh, how joyful the soul that God brings to laughter. Then sorrow and crying flee forever, as darkness flees the dawn.”

“We should leave the masterful Captain alone to do His own work.” (Robert Hall).

“Some things cannot be accomplish­ed in a day. Even God does not make a glorious sunset in a moment. For several days He gathers the mist with which to build His beautiful palaces in the western sky.”

“Some glorious morn- but when? Ah who will say? “The steepest mountain will become a plain, and the parched land be satisfied with rain. For him who with a patient heart can wait. These things will be on God's appointed day.

“It may not be tomorrow-yet it may.”

‘We hope social media users and media will join and spread this call for a daily, national interfaith

prayer campaign.’

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