The Freeman

November 10, 2019


doesn’t look like God’s plan to fill the world with losers, derelicts and criminals in commission­ing man and woman to assist Him in the process of procreatio­n.

Incidental­ly, the loving bond that ties immediate family members together is not yet the entirety of the concept of love. For there is a bigger family structure – the whole of humanity is ultimately just one family. Everyone are God’s children, human parents are only tasked with seeing to it that the children born of them grow up to be true reflection­s of the image of the Divine Maker.

The ideal attitude, perhaps, is for people to regard one another like one’s welfare is the other’s responsibi­lity, and vice versa.

In that case, one will not take advantage of the other; the strong will not exploit the weak. Instead, compassion will rule in human affairs.

When a family calls a hungry child to have the leftovers from their meal, it’s a practical act. To have the food fill a grumbling stomach is certainly a better use for it than throwing it to the kitchen waste bin and add to the heaping house garbage. But if the family calls the poor child in and let him share in their meal, it’s an act of kindness. Better still, if they take him in to become part of their home – as one of them, to enjoy the same provisions and comforts as everyone else in the family does – now the gesture is much more meaningful; it’s much more like love.

An even higher concept of love is to put others before oneself. It is written: “He who puts himself first shall be last; and whoever puts himself last shall be first.” The human race has been witness to the example set by the Son of God who came in the name of love and offered His life for the sins of the world. There is certainly no greater love than that.

Keeping God’s love in mind would perhaps restrain anyone from looking down on others. Because in the grand scheme of things, we are all but tiny specks in God’s universe and yet He loves us as if we’re the grandest of His creations. I believe that’s the example we ought to follow – to treat one another as equals, no more, no less.

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