The Freeman

There has to be exceptions


Some doctors in Cebu are in favor of imposing a 24-hour curfew on those below 18 years old and 65 years old and over due to the COVID-19 situation.

Considerin­g how big a problem the virus can become if it runs rampant among the populace, this is not a bad idea. However, like any idea, rule, or law, there must be exceptions.

In short, there must be some instances or circumstan­ces when those covered by the curfew can be allowed to leave the house.

Let’s say in a household where only the grandchild­ren and the grandparen­ts are left, whether during daytime hours or for an extended period of time, how can they survive such a rule? There are many such arrangemen­ts considerin­g how many Overseas Filipino Workers we have and how many parents leave their children with their own parents as they go to work.

On the other hand, you may also have elderly people living on their own, since their children may live or work in another barangay, town, city, or province altogether.

In such a situation, who can go out to buy food, groceries or other daily supplies needed?

It’s a very common scenario to just go about your daily business at home, then suddenly discover that something you absolutely need is in short supply, or that that something has run out.

That something can be anything from food, liquids, soap, toiletries, cooking ingredient­s, cleaning products, cellphone load…absolutely anything one may need to stay healthy, maintain cleanlines­s and hygiene, and keep one’s sanity while this community quarantine is ongoing

Minors or seniors must be allowed to go out to buy food, water, groceries, and other necessitie­s if no one else can do it for them, even during the hours they are forbidden from leaving the house.

We aren’t saying they should leave the house whenever they want to socialize, eat out, and do things other things; they should only leave the house to get the things they need, then promptly go back home.

The curfew is already taxing to some people; there is no need to make things even more difficult for those already suffering in their own way.

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