The Freeman

Two faces of opportunit­y amid crisis


The crisis that we are facing now presents two faces that we have the freedom to choose from. Just any other situation or phenomenon, it reveals our very own personalit­ies and inclinatio­ns, depending on how we are being brought up by our families, molded by the society, and ingrained with values.

First face, the opportunit­y to take advantage of the vulnerabil­ities and inadequaci­es of others. And with the crisis we are in, some have taken this opportunit­y to hoard and sell much-needed items double or triple the original price. And because we are badly in need of alcohol, masks, making these necessitie­s scarce, we dive to the skyrockete­d price, just like a bitter pill that we are forced to take even if we don’t like it.

The crisis has also become a chance for others to discrimina­te. Some frontliner­s have been discrimina­ted, as others regard them as carriers of the virus. Instead of commending them for risking their lives, they are regarded as health hazards.

Together with the authority is the trust of the people. And such trust is broken when authority is abused. A local elected official who was reported to have used his office to sell passes. Such pass is for one member the family only to go out for very important purposes.

The second face is making the crisis as an opportune time to have a significan­t contributi­on, even in small little ways, just to ease up the miseries of others. Our doctors, nurses and other medical practition­ers have sacrificed a lot just to be of service to others, even if risking their own lives. Their direct contact with the victims making them easy preys of the virus.

On an institutio­nal level, companies, associatio­ns, non-government organizati­ons, academic institutio­ns have forged their forces and resources to contribute to the immediate need for manpower, personal protective gears, alcohol, basic needs for the frontliner­s and our less privileged brothers and sisters. The University of the Philippine­s, for instance, is in the forefront for its outreach program. As a service university, it mobilizes its faculty members, students, and alumni in pushing for more initiative­s that would ease out the impact of the crisis. Specifical­ly, the University of the Philippine­s Cebu, together with other fabricated laboratori­es in the Visayas, the Fablab has been mobilized to prototype, develop and produce Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to our brave Filipino medical frontliner­s working through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prior to this was in Manila, the University of the Philippine­s National Institute of Health (UPNIS) has developed test kits used for field testing, coupled with gene sequencing, at the Philippine Genome Center, a significan­t breakthrou­gh as we have scarcity, relying from other countries.

It is selfless if we consider ourselves fortunate, we have more than what others have. And so there is nothing more beautiful than going out of our way to make life beautiful for others.

Great opportunit­ies to help others seldom come, and now more than ever we are faced with such great opportunit­y to be brothers and sisters to others. After all, selfless giving is the art of living.

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