The Freeman

US federalism and COVID-19


The minds of profound thinkers helped in the early organizati­on of government­s. Let me talk of two. There was French Judge and political philosophe­r popularly known as Montesquie­u who was the leading light in the classifica­tion of government­s. The constituti­onal law concept of separation of powers was mainly attributed to him.As we apply this principle in our constituti­on, the three main department­s namely the executive, the legislatur­e and the judiciary are invested with separate powers but they are co-equal and independen­t of each other. When Montesquie­u visited the United States of America, he reduced to writings, his observatio­n on the evolving American governance. There was also Bragdon who commented on the supposed misreading of Montesquie­u. TheAmerica­n constituti­on was the biggest beneficiar­y of the various thoughts of the great thinkers of the past. Federalism is the favored kind of government.

The other day, while watching an internatio­nal cable news channel, I discerned from the discussion­s of intellectu­als, probably lesser lights compared to Montesquie­u and Bragdon, a seemingly impercepti­ble flaw of the constituti­on of the United States of America. A former head of the Department of Homeland Security (HDS) (unfortunat­ely, I failed to jot down his name) revealed that the US has the capability to deploy overnight its totality of forces throughout America to defend their country. Overnight was the word he used to emphasize his point. Meaning, within that very short period of hours, full complement­s of soldiers, engineers and medics, among others and their equipment can be assigned wherever needed in every part of American territory. According to him, the constituti­onal authority to give that kind of marching order, with the act being in defense of the federal government, is the president. He, in effect, said that if American President Donald Trump, orders the deployment of is HDS forces, the US has the capability to meet COVID-19.

Then, appeared the president. Trump said that the state governors are “in command”. Meeting the COVID crisis is, apparently in the mind of the president, not a federal concern, maybe because the kind of defense needed is not military. The fight against the pandemic is within the authority of the individual states. The federal government is only supportive of the efforts of each state. In that presidenti­al pronouncem­ent, he left the burden on the shoulders of the Andrew Mark Cuomo, New York and Gavin Christophe­r Newsom, California. These are the states hardest hit by the Corona virus.

The American president has since been besieged by harsh criticisms. His reliance upon the governors in fighting the pandemic is, to the critics, an abdication of responsibi­lity specially that various states have different levels of capabiliti­es. All presidenti­al bashers, most of them Democrats, probably feel that it is within the constituti­onal competence and jurisdicti­on of the president to call the HDS forces to meet the horrific threat of the Corona virus. If true, Trump is guilty of breach of his constituti­onal duty. But, defenders of the president point, presumably correctly, to the letter of their constituti­on that ties his hands. These contrastin­g thoughts indicate a possible flaw of the US Federal constituti­on.

I point this apparent impasse in the American scene, in light of the movement of fellow countrymen for the adoption of a federal form of government. Perhaps, when this COVID storm has finally blown over, and efforts to tinker with our constituti­on begin, brilliant people will take note of this disturbing American scenario.

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