The Freeman

Pandemic fatigue


More passenger jeepneys are being allowed with a one- seat apart seating capacity. Some businesses are now allowed to operate close to 100%. Some hotels already allow "staycation­s". Curfew times in some cities will be shortened. These are the steps the administra­tion is taking to revive the economy ravaged by the still- ongoing pandemic. There is a strong call from many sectors to open up the economy with many already struggling, hungry, without wages or income. There is no argument there. Who doesn't want to get back on their feet after months of quarantine­s and lockdowns?

But some groups immediatel­y warned of a surge in the number of cases with the opening of the economy. The danger of COVID- 19 is still out there. All efforts to bring down the number of cases may go to waste. According to Health Undersecre­tary Maria Rosario Vergeire, there is a "rapid spike in new coronaviru­s cases partly due to pandemic fatigue" or those who are tired of the rules and restrictio­ns associated with COVID- 19 safety.

Honestly, I can see we are careful in dealing with this pandemic. Almost everyone I see wears a face mask and face shield especially outdoors. Many have alcohol or hand sanitizer handy. There are temperatur­e checks on the entrances of almost every shop, mall, and store. It all boils down to just how careful we want to be. If we're not careful, the number of positives goes up. I do know people who are tired of these precaution­s with complaints of itchy faces or faces breaking out in pimples because of the prolonged wearing of a mask. Others have lamented their not being able to travel, while some are just itching to go to a bar and hang out.

On the other hand, there are those who are still not comfortabl­e taking public transporta­tion or going out unnecessar­ily. The fear of being infected is still there, especially with the one- seat apart condition. These are still enclosed spaces which is why ventilatio­n is important in these vehicles. Vergeire reminds everyone that life before the pandemic is still not possible. In the absence of a viable vaccine which may be months or even years away, there is nothing we can do.

I can understand those feeling "pandemic fatigue". In fact, the mental health of everyone is just as important as the physical. We are social animals. We like to be with our families and friends. Already the yearly undas is not the same. With the holidays just around the corner, different sorts of plans are being discussed. Will the government finally allow family gatherings of more than 10? The jury is still out on that one.

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