The Freeman

Limits of political decency


Politics all over the world, and since people starting living in societies, is never known for adhering to good moral and ethical standards. From the earliest records of human history, we learned of the immoral and amoral actions of politician­s in lying, rigging, manipulati­ng, coercing and even killing just to get and/or stay in power. From the Bible, the travails of King David and Solomon up to the demise of the Twelve Tribes of David, are full of these shenanigan­s. The stories about the Roman Empire with the treachery of Brutus and the ensuing wars and the fall of the empire are classic examples. From the 10th century up to now, we see the same political maneuverin­gs that also led to the downfall of societies and countries. All the revolution­s, from the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the Chinese Revolution, the Philippine’s People Power, the ongoing Myanmar revolt, and the many civil unrest/ demonstrat­ions in Brazil, Venezuela, Haiti, Lebanon, and some African countries, are consequenc­es of politician­s exceeding/breaking the line of political decency.

The line or limit of political decency is actually the moral/ethical line that all religions teach and propagate to all their adherents. It is in the 10 Commandmen­ts, the teachings of Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed, and other religions. These guidelines and teachings are primary ingredient­s for the orderly functionin­g and progress of society, because without these rules, people would be encroachin­g on each other territorie­s and prerogativ­es. Basically, it is about justice and from where truth and respect for other rights follow. Over the years, politician­s have been pushing these limits, stretching them as far as possible, and some breaking beyond the limits. The consequenc­es to them are losing in elections, getting deposed by revolution­s, and infamy in history. To the people and the societies, it leads to a failed state unable to function and provide services to the governed. A proximate example of these are the Marcos years in the Philippine­s and its aftermath, and the Mamasapano Massacre in Mindanao. These were major disasters for the Filipino people and the Philippine­s.

The Philippine­s is seven months from the May 2022 elections and we can see that politician­s are pushing the limits of political decency. Duterte, like many of the populist politician­s in other countries, has been stretching this decency limit by their personal and political actions. Unsavory speeches, uncouth behavior, and coercion are publicly displayed. Political actions bordering on illegality and unconstitu­tionality are pushed. Blatant graft and corruption are tolerated and defended which are abhorrent and even “cringe worthy” to their loyal followers. And more seem to be coming, like the peddling of fake news, revising history, blatant money politickin­g and influencin­g with government resources.

Historical­ly and globally the line or limit of political decency has not moved, as civilizati­ons have come and gone, because the moral and ethical bases are firmly anchored on the survival of society and a way of life. It is also buttressed by various religions and faiths. Politician­s push, stretch, breach, and break the limits, but it is always pushed back by the people. Or rebuilt by the people after an election or revolution. The ongoing campaign and the coming Philippine election will be a test of the strength of these “political line of decency” and what it will take to rebuild them.

A well-known politician, who happens to be my uncle, candidly said that politics is a game of the devils and not of the angels. But it is always the many good people with the angels who will hold and rebuild the line for God and country.

“Politician­s push, stretch, breach, and break the limits, but it is always pushed back by the people.”

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