The Freeman

How to Detox the Body Safely and Gently

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With the widespread knowledge

of the danger of toxins, many people may be wondering if they need to detox their bodies. There have been a lot of informatio­n about diets, procedures, and other common approaches to detoxifica­tion. The truth, however, is that many of these practices are extreme at best and dangerous at worst.

It’s important to keep in mind that the body is designed to detox naturally. In fact, the human body defends itself very well against most environmen­tal insults and occasional indulgence­s. It means most people don’t need crazy tonics, flushes, or extreme “lemonade only” diets. Unfortunat­ely, there are countless detox diets being marketed even though studies have shown that fasting and extremely low calorie intake – common elements of detox diets – cause a slowdown of metabolism and an increase in weight after the dieter returns to normal eating.

Of course, we do have a massive amount of toxins in our world today that previous generation­s never had to deal with. So while most extreme detox practices may not be necessary, the truth is that sometimes our body could use a little help.

It’s possible to detox the body, naturally. The first step is to ensure not to overburden the body with toxins. Removing processed foods, GMOs, pesticide-laden foods, and toxic products from the home is the best way to ensure that the body stays healthy and can do its job. (Eating real food and pure supplement­s is another.)

Beyond keeping the bad stuff to a minimum, there are simple, safe, and gentle ways to help detox the body. These are not extreme; these don’t require huge investment or awkward situations. And unlike some other detox protocols, these ones are gentle enough for all people.

Clay. The benefits of clay are little known, but detox experts recommend it. At a molecular level, bentonite clay has a negative electrical charge, attracting positively charged toxins. The formation of bentonite resembles tiny business card shapes, with negatively charged wide surfaces and positively charged edges, providing a surprising­ly high surface area and powerful drawing effect. As most toxins are positively charged, clay naturally rids the body of toxins as it pulls and holds the toxins into its core.

Taking clay internally and using it in a foot bath are simple ways to help rid the body of toxic buildup. As an added bonus, taking clay internally is a great way to get more essential minerals in the diet.

A Diet with Naturally Detoxing Foods. While crazy fasts or fad-diets are not the best ways to detox the body, adding in some foods that naturally detox can be extremely beneficial. These should be in addition to a whole, real foods diet. The best detoxing foods include:

Fruits – High in liquidcont­ent, fruits help the body wash out toxins. These are also very easy to digest and full of nutrients, an added bonus in the detox process. In particular, oranges, lemons, and limes aid the body in flushing out toxins and in jump-starting the digestive tract with enzymatic processes. Lemon juice aids the liver in its cleansing processes. Starting each morning with a warm glass of lemon water is a healthy practice.

Veggies – Green plants help give a chlorophyl­l-boost to the digestive tract and are very cleansing to one’s system. Other foods like onions, carrots, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflowe­r, beet, turmeric, and oregano are great to help cleanse the body. These are high in naturally occurring sulphur and glutathion­e. Sulphur helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals. It’s important to add raw veggies to the diet, as the digestive enzymes are very beneficial in the natural detox process.

Garlic – This little food is one of the best detoxing foods there is. It helps stimulate the liver into producing detoxifica­tion enzymes that help filter toxic residues from the digestive system.

Deep Breathing. There’s good reason why breathing matters: Oxygen is pivotal to the body’s process of absorbing vitamins and nutrients. Deep breathing allows the body to absorb these good things more efficientl­y. Deep breathing also supercharg­es the lymphatic system by increasing oxygen levels, and this naturally leads to detoxifica­tion of the body.

Even though breathing is an automatic process, most people under-utilize this amazing built-in natural body detox system. Taking a few minutes throughout the day to focus on deep breathing is essential to good health.

Skin Brushing. The skin is the largest organ of the body. And eliminatio­n is included in its job descriptio­n. In fact, the skin is known to be responsibl­e for 10 to 15 percent of total body eliminatio­n, and is sometimes referred to as the third kidney.

Dry skin brushing is an easy and effective way to help detox the body. It improves skin appearance by eliminatin­g dead cells and helping new skin to regenerate, and it also stimulates blood circulatio­n, the lymphatic system, and greatly enhances toxin eliminatio­n.

Regular Exercise. Not only does exercise make one feel better, but it’s an easy way to help the body in its natural detoxifica­tion process. Exercise promotes the detoxifica­tion process giving all systems of the body a boost. As a person exercises, the blood circulates throughout the body, bringing nutrients to all the organs and muscles. As one does aerobic exercise, he perspires and toxins are released through the pores of the skin. It’s important to rinse off after heavy sweating to help rid the body of those toxins.

It’s a healthy practice to detox the body – but to keep it safe, as well! Going to extremes in diet, fitness, or detox practices can strip a person of the healthy life he is aiming for. It is better to simply give the body what it needs in order to do the job it was designed to do.

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