The Freeman

Tips for Staying Hydrated During the Summer Heat

- (frederickh­

Water. It’s one of the most important elements for all living things. Up to 60 percent of the human adult body is made up of water. It’s essential for biochemica­l reactions, supplying nutrients throughout the body and removing waste, and maintainin­g blood circulatio­n and body temperatur­e. It aids in digestion, prevents constipati­on, cushions joints, stabilizes the heartbeat, and protects vital organs and tissues.

Without water, or without enough of it, we can become dehydrated. Dehydratio­n might show itself in the form of muscle cramps, fatigue, thirst, and other unpleasant symptoms. Our thinking and cognition can suffer too. And we might lose appetite, experience mild constipati­on and lightheade­dness, or kidney stones.

Getting enough water every day is important to keeping our body functionin­g correctly. Our body needs more water in warmer times, when we’re physically active, running a fever, and having diarrhea or vomiting. It’s easy to go about our day without thinking about how much water to drink or forget to take those sips until we start to feel bad. But, especially in the summer heat, water is vital to helping our body stay healthy and hydrated.

According to doctors, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for daily water intake. The amount of water we should drink daily depends on our body, our health conditions, our medication­s, and other factors. Certain conditions like thyroid disease or kidney, liver, or heart problems make it possible for some people to have too much water, while some antidepres­sants and nonsteroid­al anti-inflammato­ry drugs (NSAIDs) make people retain water.

There is no standard for how much plain water adults and children should drink daily, though there are general recommenda­tions for both women and men. One rule of thumb: women should drink approximat­ely 2.7 liters of water each day, while men should average 3.7 liters of total water. You can also divide your body weight in pounds by two and drink that number of ounces each day. Regardless, drinking water should be a part of your daily routine, not something you have to go out of your way to do.

The key to staying safe and healthy this summer is staying hydrated. And the key to staying hydrated? Here are 10 easy tips:

1. Drink water – plenty of it! Start by drinking a cup of water each morning when you wake up or a glass before bed. Have another glass with every meal. Drink one or two cups after working out. To ward off dehydratio­n, drink fluids gradually throughout the day.

2. Know the signs of dehydratio­n. Does your skin feel dry, irritated, inflamed, itchy, or sensitive? That’s a sign of dehydratio­n. Experienci­ng a headache or feeling dizzy or fatigued? These are signs, too. Muscle cramps, rapid breathing, fainting, and not urinating (or having very dark yellow urine) are others. If you’re experienci­ng any of these symptoms, the simple solution is to get out of the heat and drink plenty of liquids. There are small over-the-counter options that balance out electrolyt­es and sodium with dehydratio­n as well. If your dehydratio­n is severe, see a doctor.

3. Check your urine. A good measuremen­t of hydration is the color of your urine. Pale urine, similar to the color of straw, indicates proper hydration while darker urine is a sign that you need more water. A dark yellow or amber color means you may have mild to severe dehydratio­n. Of course, other medication­s and health conditions could affect this. If you’re concerned about the color of your urine, consult your doctor.

4. Avoid alcohol, sugary drinks, and caffeine. Some liquids may actually work against hydration! Drinks like coffee, sugary sodas, beer, wine and hard liquor, lemonade, sweet tea, energy drinks, smoothies, and flavored milk are all culprits. They are loaded with sugar, sodium, and other ingredient­s that remove water from your tissues. Consider swapping some of these out daily or rehydratin­g with more water for each dehydratin­g drink you consume.

5. Cool down. Proper hydration isn’t just about drinking water – it’s about regulating your body temperatur­e, too. During summer, when the risk for heat stroke is at its highest, wear light, loose-fitting clothing in light colors; schedule strenuous sports and physical activities during cooler times of the day; protect yourself from the sun with hats and other shade accessorie­s; take drink breaks often; and mist yourself with a spray bottle if you become overheated.

6. Eat foods with high water content. Approximat­ely 80 percent of our water intake comes from drinking water. The other 20 percent comes from food. All whole fruits and vegetables contain some water, so snack on these for maximum benefit: cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, radishes, peppers, cauliflowe­r, watermelon, spinach, strawberri­es, broccoli, and grapefruit. They all contain 90 percent water or higher.

7. Replenish when you sweat. Play a sport? Heading out on a hike? It’s essential to drink water throughout these activities. Your sweat rate, the humidity, and how long you’ve exercised are all factors to consider. Proper hydration means getting enough water before, during, and after exercise.

8. Choose water during flights. Airports and flights can be very dehydratin­g. It’s not easy to drink as much as you usually do when you’re on the go for summer vacation, and airplanes are known for low-humidity air, which contribute­s to low hydration at touchdown. Pack an empty reusable water bottle with you in your carry-on bag and then fill it up with water after going through security. Ask for water when the beverage cart passes by mid-flight.

9. Infuse with flavor. Try sprucing up your water by adding a few simple ingredient­s. Limes, lemons, mint, oranges, berries, cucumbers, and other fruits improve the taste without artificial sweeteners or preservati­ves. This can help you drink more water than you usually do, too. You can also give coconut water a try; this mineral-rich liquid is packed with potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium, so it replenishe­s lost fluids and electrolyt­es from exercise and hot climates quickly.

10. Consider a probiotic. Our bodies are home to good and bad bacteria. They’re in our mouth, gut, and skin. Probiotics are living microorgan­isms found in yogurt and other cultured foods and supplement­s that can help improve your body’s bacteria. Taking a probiotic can help improve your immune system, protect against infection, and improve your digestion and absorption of food and nutrients – including water. Probiotics also help with several conditions associated with dehydratio­n, including diarrhea.

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