The Freeman

Minglanill­a installs facial, plate recognitio­n cameras


The Municipali­ty of Minglanill­a has recently launched the new Minglanill­a Traffic Command Center (Mitcom) with facial recognitio­n and plate recognitio­n features being used in some of its cameras, the first in Cebu.

Minglanill­a is also the first among Cebu Province’s component municipali­ties to have a modern command center, aimed at helping address traffic and security concerns.

It is also aimed at facilitati­ng rapid response to accidents and any eventualit­y, reinforcin­g Mayor Rajiv Enad’s mantra of rapid action in delivering government service.

“We are very happy to see that we can closely monitor all roads and major corners. Everybody in Minglanill­a is assured that if there are traffic violations, or collisions or any incident on our thoroughfa­res, we are better equipped now to respond to it,” said Enad, in a press statement.

The first termer mayor led the ribbon cutting of the command center alongside Minglanill­a’s new traffic chief, Glenn Antigua.

Although it is only newly opened, the command center has already been instrument­al in solving crimes even during its testing period.

Theft of a bicycle for example, was solved through footage taken from the cameras as well as an incident of a cell phone that was left inside a tricycle. In both instances, the owners got their properties back.

Since Enad assumed office last month, he has been taking steps to achieve a better traffic situation in Minglanill­a.

These include penalizing a truck company for the traffic congestion caused by their truck that got stalled on the highway.

His administra­tion is also moving to approve ordinances to impose stiffer penalties for stalled vehicles and other road obstructio­ns, as well as to regulate the hours that trucks can use their highways. —

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