The Freeman

Trump is going down


During the 21-year reign of Vladimir Putin, Russian elections have lost all democratic legitimacy, enabling this evil regime to continuall­y renew its grip on power.

America was always good with elections and a peaceful transfer of power -- until Trump came along.

Donald Trump preyed upon the people's love of their country and their patriotism to try to steal the 2020 election, an election he had lost by 8 million votes. He was able to persuade people to come to the capital January 6, 2021 with the intent to prevent the transfer of power to President Biden.

When Donald Trump heard his supporters chanting, "Hang Mike Pence" during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, White House aides said Trump told them the vice president "deserves" it.

At present the U.S. Justice Department is investigat­ing Donald Trump's attempts to overturn his 2020 election defeat.

Now the opportunit­ies for subverting (illegally overturnin­g) an election, as revealed by Trump's unsuccessf­ul attempts, will all need to be examined and control systems improved.

Not only for the USA, but as a message for every country to tighten its election security so that even more fake democracie­s do not spring up around the globe.

The United States congressio­nal hearings showed again and again that it was primarily those in Trump's own political party who refused Trump's attempts to illegally find more votes and his other schemes to stay in power. Many senior Trump administra­tion officials resigned rather than help President Donald Trump with his illegal schemes after he lost his re-election.

The US attorney general, Merrick Garland, said he would “pursue justice without fear or favor” in his decision on whether to charge Donald Trump with crimes.

What is distressin­g is the change in happiness in the US. The country's happiness levels rated by its own people dropped from no. 36 to no. 59 after the insurrecti­on. This is more than a 20-country ranking drop in happiness rankings!

Trump's political party used the motto, "Make America Great Again". Obviously, he failed, and shamed our country internatio­nally.

Richard Baker Dumaguete City

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