The Freeman

Life is What You Make It


Our attitude in life has a strong bearing on our daily journey. In this world there are two kinds of people: those who are happy, enthusiast­ic and contented on what they have, despite the odds in life; and those who are always complainin­g, unhappy and discontent­ed on what life has offered them, despite of their opulence.

An unknown writer said, “People who look at life like a glass half-full are optimists, whereas those who look at life a glass half-empty are pessimists.”

Luminita of purposefai­ry website commented, “Your life is what you make it. Your present life is the result of all the choices you have made until this moment. You are the one responsibl­e for where you are right now, for how your life looks, for how you are being treated by those around you and for the level of happiness or unhappines­s present in your life. You and only you. If you want to change the quality of your life, if you want to change the quality of your relationsh­ips you have to start by taking responsibi­lity for everything. Yes, everything!”

In line with this message, there are better things that we can do today. Luminita shares her perspectiv­e:

• I choose to forgive myself for all the mistakes I may have made in the past and to advance confidentl­y in the direction of my dreams.

• I choose to live a powerful and inspiring life.• I choose to express my gratitude and appreciati­on daily.

• I choose to be happy, joyful and kind.

• I choose to be an inspiratio­n for all.

• I choose to live a balanced life, for I know that balance is the key to a happy and successful life.

• I choose to get up again every time I go down and start all over again because I know that I can do it.

• I choose to be open in mind and spirit to what the world has to offer and embrace it all as it comes.

• I choose to accept all the gifts life has to offer me.

• I choose to be kind towards those people who like me and also those people who don’t.

• I choose to always step out of my comfort zone, to stretch, to grow and to evolve.

• I choose to take care of my health every single day for as long as I live.

• I choose to help others grow and develop, knowing that by doing so, I will grow with them.

• I choose to be true to myself.

• I choose to always look at the bright side of life.

• I choose to release all my fears and doubts, knowing that they are all self-created, keeping me away from achieving something greater.

• I choose to have faith, knowing that things will always turn out for the best.

I choose to get up again every time I go down and start all over again because I know that I can do it.

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