The Freeman

PAWS urges public: Say no to live animal giveaways

- Kristine DagunoBers­amina/

MANILA --- The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) on Black Saturday advised against supporting establishm­ents that give away live animals, especially during events like Easter.

Many establishm­ents continue to offer prizes such as rabbits and chicks despite the ongoing efforts of the nonprofit organizati­on to campaign against live animal giveaways.

Rabbits and chicks are often linked with Easter, which commemorat­es the resurrecti­on of Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church's liturgical calendar.

According to PAWS, an alarming 95% of "Easter bunny" giveaways fail to survive beyond their first year.

"Sure, they're cute and cuddly.. but they also need a LOT of care," the NGO for animal rights said.

PAWS explained that rabbits need plenty of space to move and dig, highlighti­ng that keeping them in small cages is not good for their well-being.

"A proper enclosure for a rabbit and a healthy diet needs a considerab­le budgetsome­thing that may not have crossed the minds of those passing through a mall, hotel or an events place for Easter," the animal welfare group said.

Colorful chicks, on the other hand, are sprayed with dye, causing stress to the animals.

"These chicks do not remain small, yellow and fluffy for life - they grow into chickens who need to be able to roam, scratch, peck and stretch their wings," PAWS said.

"Before taking in a chicken, please find out if you have an avian or poultry vet to run to so that they can be properly treated when kept as pets," it added.

The NGO urged the public to refrain from supporting events with live animal giveaways or raffles this Easter, emphasizin­g responsibl­e pet ownership and the humane treatment of animals.

The animal welfare group also gave advice for people encounteri­ng establishm­ents giving away live animals. -

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