The Philippine Star

Intense fighting rocks Syrian capital


AMMAN (Reuters) — Rebels fought gun battles with government forces in Damascus, in the most violent clashes Syria’s capital has seen since the start of the year- old revolt against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

In a fresh effort to form a united internatio­nal front on the mounting crisis, France circulated a Western-drafted statement for the UN Security Council deploring the turmoil and backing peace efforts by Un-arab League envoy Kofi Annan.

Britain’s UN envoy said he hoped the statement would be adopted soon and UN Secretary- General Ban Kimoon called for internatio­nal unity and unity on the Security Council.

“The situation has reached an unacceptab­le or intolerabl­e situation,” Ban told an audi- ence in Indonesia during a visit to Southeast Asia.

“I have seen hope that the internatio­nal community will continuall­y speak in one voice, particular­ly the Security Council. I hope we will be able to be united so we can speak one voice,” Ban said.

Piling further pressure on Syria’s government, longterm Damascus ally Russia also urged Assad and his foes to agree to daily truces, backing an initiative from the Internatio­nal Committee of the Red Cross to reach the wounded.

But neither government forces nor armed rebel movements showed any sign of bowing to calls for restraint.

The clashes in Damascus on Monday came just two days after two car bombs killed at least 27 people in the heart of the city, in a sign that the capital, once apparently immune to the bloodshed, might be starting to sink into the mayhem.

The fighting near the center of Assad’s power base appeared to be an attempt by rebels to show they still pose a serious challenge after being forced out of stronghold­s in recent weeks.

The United Nations says more than 8,000 people have died in 12 months of turmoil. The government says about 2,000 members of the security forces have been killed by foreign- backed “terrorists.”

Reports from Syria cannot be independen­tly verified because authoritie­s have barred access to rights groups and journalist­s.

Moscow and Beijing have twice vetoed UN Security Council resolution­s that condemned Syria’s year-long assault on rebels.

But Russia’s foreign ministry called on both Damascus and the armed opposition to agree “without delay to daily humanitari­an pauses” after ICRC President Jakob Kellenberg­er held talks with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday.

The statement circulated at the Security Council would not be a formal resolution, which carries legal weight, but rather a “presidenti­al statement,” which is generally non-binding but still needs unanimous backing.

Veteran diplomat Annan dispatched a team of five experts to Damascus on Monday to discuss his proposals to deploy internatio­nal monitors in Syria to try to stem the bloodshed.

 ?? EPA ?? A relative of one of the victims killed a day earlier in a bomb attack puts his photo on a flag-draped coffin before funeral procession­s at the al-othman Mosque in Damascus, Syria Sunday.
EPA A relative of one of the victims killed a day earlier in a bomb attack puts his photo on a flag-draped coffin before funeral procession­s at the al-othman Mosque in Damascus, Syria Sunday.

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