The Philippine Star

The Philippine Economy – (Part III) – A historical peep into foreign direct investment­s policy and economic reality


Recent internatio­nal economic developmen­ts seem to favor the flow of more foreign investment­s to the Philippine­s. We have always possessed the propitious factors that could make us a home to foreign direct investment. Through some fault in national outlook, however, we have not realized it fully.

There is nothing automatic that the flow of foreign capital into our economy will happen just because we want it to happen. The more our economic leaders realize this fact, the better shall we be prepared to be pro-active in doing a good job.

“Why foreign direct investment­s are mainly in the export

processing zones.” There is a reason why most of the foreign direct investment­s that have come to the country are mainly located in the export processing zones and in special economic zones. This happened relatively late in the country’s recent economic history.

For decades since independen­ce, laws designed to favor industrial developmen­t were biased heavily in favor of developing the national economy mainly for domestic Filipino enterprise­s. This has roots not only in the Filipino First policies of the 1950s but more significan­tly in the restrictiv­e constituti­onal provisions affecting foreign capital.

The BOI (Board of Investment) investment incentives for industrial developmen­t and for export developmen­t had a strong bias to favor Filipino enterprise­s in this developmen­t. When the investment incentives that created the BOI were originally legislated during the late 1960s, Senator Jose W. Diokno, the inheritor of the nationalis­tic line of Claro M. Recto, guided the legislatio­n in Congress.

The BOI incentives law circumscri­bed the role of foreign capital into a supporting cast in national industrial developmen­t rather than as a major partner. The main provisions of the “60-40” Filipino-to-foreign equity rule defining the recipients of investment incentives were cast in stone in the BOI investment and export incentives.

Over the years, some liberaliza­tion of these rules was undertaken in response to the country’s lag behind neighborin­g countries in attracting foreign investment­s. The amendments to the investment incentives law were however made on the fringes rather than on the core.

“Two distinct economies result.” The result was that two separate economies developed as far as the involvemen­t of foreign direct investment­s was concerned.

The dominant economy. The main economy that followed a restrictiv­e, nationalis­tic developmen­t line with a lot of rules, regulation­s and restrictio­ns became dominated by Filipino owned enterprise­s which received the industrial incentives. This large economy dominates the entire nation’s production and commercial landscape which is highly regulated and with a lot of problems to be fixed.

This is the highly regulated economy that gets rated in internatio­nal surveys of economic, social and even political indicators. It is the economy that often characteri­zes the country when compared to other countries. This economy is marked by high cost, inefficien­t business processes and has inadequate services marked by bottleneck­s in infrastruc­ture facilities. It is for these reasons internatio­nally less competitiv­e.

To this day, this essence of this economic protection remains. The chambers of businesses owned by major Filipino groups – exemplifie­d by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry and also including the more moderate Makati Business Club – benefited by this rule.

Even though their rhetoric has changed from the extreme nationalis­tic lines of the past to more pro-open economy lines of the present, this is the main line that the ruling business class continues to espouse – the protection of the domestic economy for themselves. This is why it is difficult to reform economic policy and partly the reason for the country’s stymied industrial growth.

The smaller but competitiv­e economy. The other Philippine economy is the export-oriented enclave that grew out of the laws that promoted export processing zones. This sector was the escape route that enabled the country to become more outward looking, internatio­nally competitiv­e, and attractive to foreign capital.

This economy is more competitiv­e internatio­nally. Enterprise­s are mostly located in the export processing zones and other special economic zones. The foreign enterprise­s manufactur­e for export. Their operations are still essentiall­y separated from the rest of the domestic economy.

“Our neighbors learned from us….” The Philippine BOI became a model for our Thai, Malaysian and Indonesian neighbors. They learned from our mistakes. Compared to us, they launched their industrial developmen­t programs later.

They patterned their laws on the agency structure and powers of our BOI but they deviated in a most fundamenta­l way from our policy. They did not incorporat­e the circuitous nationalis­tic lines that favored domestic enterprise­s.

Our neighbors simply allowed full foreign capital participat­ion in their own industrial developmen­t programs by permitting 100 percent foreign equity investment­s to receive incentives. This was the main reason why, when conditions permitted the flow of foreign direct investment to ASEAN, more foreign capital went their way than to us.

Among our neighbors, the problem of governance has been an ever-present problem like in our case. As their developmen­t programs matured, they have also been able to put a lever to control or temper corruption. Also, our neighbors have had their episodes of political instabilit­y, an experience not unknown to us.

“The two economies need to link.” Today, the critical problem of the economic structure is to link the small, dynamic part of this dual economy with the dominant, sluggish and highly regulated economy.

The resulting union ought to result in having the virus of dynamism in the export oriented sector infecting the sluggish, larger economy to make it more competitiv­e internatio­nally. A worse result would be to hold all regulation­s and policies unchanged so that little happens in accomplish­ing such an integratio­n.

Why is it critical to integrate the two economies? At present, the value added created in the export oriented sector is limited. Most of the export companies source their raw materials from imports and they themselves are producing mainly raw material industrial parts for assembly with other products that are produced in other countries.

The more open policy for foreign investment that was instituted in Thailand, and (earlier in both) Taiwan and South Korea – as well as China of course – enabled the foreign investment­s that located in these countries to have more leeway in sourcing their raw material needs from the domestic sector as well as from imports.

One reason for this phenomenon is the larger set of foreign direct investors succeeded in participat­ing in the domestic economy. Many investors manufactur­ed intermedia­te goods for the exporting sectors and the larger economy. Suppliers of big foreign investors followed their main industrial partners when they migrated their locations to other countries.

The outcome of this is that higher economic value added in the domestic economy was generated even as foreign investment enterprise­s were involved.

In these countries, there are also manufactur­ers that assemble final products that sell these goods in the home economy as well as to other countries. In the Philippine­s, there are fewer of these final brand assembly manufactur­ers among the foreign investors.

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