The Philippine Star

Carpio: We have to move on beyond Corona


Acting Chief Justice Antonio Carpio said yesterday it is time for the judiciary and the entire nation to move forward from the impeachmen­t trial that led to the ouster of Renato Corona from the top Supreme Court (SC) position.

“We have to move forward. We have to learn the lessons from the impeachmen­t and I think we can do the job,” he told reporters in an interview during the launch of the book “The History of the Supreme Court” that coincided with the SC’s 111th founding anniversar­y.

The most senior justice in the high court said he has not yet decided on whether to accept or decline his nomination for the chief justice post, advising the media to just await his letter to the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC), which he said would also address calls for him to beg off for reasons of delicadeza due to his perceived rivalry with Corona.

Carpio also refused to answer public allegation­s earlier hurled by Corona against him – that he was supposedly part of the conspiracy perpetrate­d by President Aquino for the latter’s impeachmen­t. “I don’t have to answer that,” he said. But Carpio could not help but dispute Corona’s claim that the impeachmen­t trial was an affront to the judiciary and had a chilling effect on the institutio­n.

“The impeachmen­t was not a clash between the judiciary and the legislativ­e or the judiciary and the executive. The impeachmen­t was against a particular justice, so there’s no clash of the three department­s here,” he said.

“When the Constituti­on provides that justices and other constituti­onal officers are subject to impeachmen­t, it doesn’t mean that if an impeachmen­t complaint is filed against that person, the entire institutio­n is already charged. I don’t think that’s the intention of the Constituti­on; the Constituti­on doesn’t say that,” he added.

Asked if the impeachmen­t had a chilling effect on the SC, Carpio replied: “I don’t know. It doesn’t have a chilling effect on me.”

Carpio was the rival of Corona for the top judicial post in 2010, but he declined his nomination, believing then President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo had no power to make the appointmen­t.

In one of his public speeches while facing impeachmen­t, Corona had accused a justice “who had long wanted to be chief justice” of conspiring with others in power to oust him and control the judiciary.

Several quarters had also urged Carpio to decline the nomination so as not to aggravate the division in government brought about by Corona’s ouster.

Carpio said he would not feel bad should the President choose not to appoint him.

“There is nothing in the Constituti­on which says that the most senior justice should be appointed, so it’s the prerogativ­e of the President to appoint from anyone in the list submitted by the JBC. That’s the right of the President, that’s the power given to him by the Constituti­on and I respect the Constituti­on,” he said.

He vowed to support whoever would be appointed by Aquino.

But he also clarified: “We are also independen­t, so it doesn’t mean that if the CJ has a certain position, we will just follow.”

Unifying personalit­y

Meanwhile, retired chief justice Reynato Puno lamented yesterday the repercussi­ons to the judiciary of the impeachmen­t and removal of his successor Corona, as he called for the appointmen­t of a new Supreme Court chief who would unite and heal the judiciary.

“Today, the judiciary appears to be in disarray after the impeachmen­t of our 23rd chief justice. Some are disappoint­ed, some are confused, some appeared to be in a spiritual slump for they perceived a severely wounded judiciary after its collision with the political branches of the government,” he said in his speech during the book launching yesterday.

“The SC has a life of its own. With the aid of divine providence, it was establishe­d by the people and for as long as it serves the people, nothing will prevail against it. The Court may be down for the moment but with God’s grace it will not stay down for long,” he said.

Puno left the SC without greeting Carpio, whom he addressed in his speech as senior associate justice and not acting chief justice.

Puno headed the JBC that unanimousl­y nominated Corona to be chief justice in May 2010.

An administra­tion lawmaker, on the other hand, urged yesterday the creation of a joint executive-legislativ­e body to review the impeachmen­t trial of Corona with the aim of streamlini­ng future impeachmen­t trials.

– With Paolo Romero

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