The Philippine Star

Stop the Pinoy crabs from underminin­g our big gains


Our biggest national security threat today isn’t China. It’s Filipino crabs, with their damaged culture.

It’s very glaring that President Noynoy Aquino (P-Noy) has been getting dramatical­ly contrastin­g reviews from foreign media versus our local media. P-Noy has been getting widespread approval assessment­s in foreign media while to Pinoy crabs in Philippine media he’s still projected as dictatoria­l, underachie­ving, crony coddler and so forth.

The foreign media assessment­s are backed by facts. Bloomberg, New York Times/Internatio­nal Herald Tribune, BusinessWe­ek, CNBC, to name a few, will not report a very rosy descriptio­n of our country based on fiction. Many of the crabs in our media keep repeating wild accusation­s like a mantra but their assertions are usually devoid of facts. One of them is certainly lying.

Among the high points our country has gained in the eyes of the world during just two years of the PNoy administra­tion are the political will to eradicate corruption, the improved fiscal policy that’s now reducing leaks for graft and corruption while providing more money for the vital CCT (Conditiona­l Cash Transfer) program and the K + 12 education program, the improved environmen­t for foreign investors and the removal of dangerous signs of social tension created by the unlamented Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) regime.

Two years ago, we were deep into cynicism. We stopped trusting our institutio­ns after the GMA regime undermined them by the then climate of impunity. Many of us wanted to go to another country just to escape our greatest fear of a social explosion or a civil war. In just two years, P- Noy has reversed that and made us a major investment attraction to the rest of the world. In just two years, P-Noy restored people’s trust in their institutio­ns, especially after the ouster of Renato C. Corona as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

P-Noy restored our self-confidence in shaping our future. If not for the support we gave him, P-Noy could not have stood up to China the way he did — earning the added respect of the world for doing so. Under GMA, many of our countrymen were like rats seeking to abandon a perceived sinking ship of state. Under P-Noy, we transforme­d our country into a budding tiger economy, which is how the world sees us now, and we feel patriotic enough to be able to stand up to China, the bully of the South China Sea.

Under P-Noy, our Armed Forces of the Philippine­s (AFP) are fast rebuilding its capability to defend our shores from external aggression. That’s what happens when there’s no graft and corruption that used to sidetrack sizeable amounts of the AFP budget into private pockets. Under P-Noy, crime incidence has gone down dramatical­ly and many of the criminals behind these crimes are now being brought to justice.

Rarely do we get a president that has not been hounded by financial scandals after spending two years in office. President Cory was clean all throughout her administra­tion but we know that despite her honesty and integrity, some in her administra­tion still managed to make sizeable nest eggs for themselves. Under P-Noy, neither he nor his cabinet members have been tagged in a financial scandal.

Scanning the negative views of crabs in mainstream as well as in social media, one gets to see various types of critics and detractors. There are the deep-seated PNoy haters. These are the types who will never see anything good in P-Noy, as most haters are driven to such a negatively rigid state of mind.

There are the known mercenarie­s of media and they’re consistent­ly undertakin­g demolition efforts against P-Noy. There are the politicall­y motivated moves of P-Noy’s opponents who’ll destroy a power wielder even if he happens to be doing good things for the country. Theirs isn’t an agenda of improvemen­t but of sheer lust for power.

One of the biggest handicaps that a Philippine president lives with is the lack of discernmen­t of many Filipinos — the result of the Informatio­n and Education Gaps. This lack of discernmen­t of many of our countrymen had allowed the rise to power of false messiahs and the undoing of good presidents. The crook with a lot of money to buy media mercenarie­s can easily make a good public servant look bad. Every time this happens, we Filipinos end up suffering the double whammy — the rise of crooked elected public officials and the fall of those who could have really moved our country forward.

Another big handicap that a Philippine president learns to live with is the bad effects of our damaged culture. Presidents Elpidio Quirino and Carlos P. Garcia were both nationalis­ts and wanted to promote a truly Filipino economic policy. Both Quirino and Garcia were toppled by presidenti­al candidates that had the backing of the US and on the ground operations by the CIA (Central Intelligen­ce Agency). If we had better media reporters then, our nationalis­t presidents could have won reelection and accomplish­ed their visions for our country. Two good presidents were lost with our active cooperatio­n.

We Filipinos will have to rid ourselves of our colonial baggage and also stand up to bullies like China. Both will be impossible dreams if we persist in being party to underminin­g our best leaders. Our biggest national security threat today isn’t China. It’s Filipino crabs, with their damaged culture. Shakespear­e: “Madness in great ones must not

unwatched go.” Chair Wrecker e- mail and website: and www.chairwreck­

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