The Philippine Star

Anna Banana sensation is back to school


Like the rest of young people this school year, Anna Banana sensation Derek Lorenzo goes back to school.

Already an instant celebrity in his own right (what with the amazing number of hits his YouTube feature got online), Derek shares the thrills of being in his old school, in the company of his old friends and being treated excitingly different for it.

“I feel that suddenly a lot of people are more curious about me. Internet is so powerful. My mom is right. A lot recognize me now for the Anna Banana song, some of them are even singing it to me and it’s so exciting! Now I know how it feels to be exposed to the limelight,” he said.

Paparazzi and constant interviews might come to mind, but Derek just looks forward to classes he excels in. His favorites are math and computer subjects, which are both pretty normal, though being voted as representa­tive to a Math competitio­n last year could be a giveaway that he’s got the potential to be more than average. He enjoys his computer class because it buys him more time on the Internet, which he uses for research.

As with other boys his own age, Derek also likes to play. For him, that means varsity basketball for the subdivisio­n where he lives, and online gaming (as approved by his mom) on weekends with friends and cousins.

Out of school, and back in the comforts of home, Derek is a normal kid. He spends time with his mom, who is hands-on when it comes to helping Derek out with schoolwork, of course, admittedly with a lot of help from the Net. He just loves her so much for giving him the support he needs for all his endeavors. He also looks forward to special weekend dinners with his dad, who always has his back even when he’s busy with his work.

Many might know Derek as an Internet star, but he’s still the same kid he was last year when he chased his dream. There seems to be no limit to what the strongest connection­s at home can do to help dreams come true.

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