The Philippine Star

Our Daily Bread

He’s waiting


In Christ Jesus our Lord . . . we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him.

— Ephesians 3:11-12

Telephone answering machines can be helpful, but it’s often frustratin­g to call someone and hear a recorded voice say, “I’m sorry I can’t take your call just now, but please leave your name and phone number and I’ll get back to you.” Disappoint­ed, we speak into the machine, hoping the other person won’t be forgetful or too busy to call back.

In our high-tech world, it’s encouragin­g to know that when we call out to God we get straight through to Him. In Ephesians 3, the apostle Paul said that “in Christ Jesus our Lord . . . we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him” (vv.11-12).

In 1 Thessaloni­ans 5:17, Paul encouraged believers to “pray without ceasing,” which assumes, of course, that God is always listening and wants to hear from us. Yet, for some reason we often keep God waiting. Our prayerless­ness gives God the repeated message that we won’t answer His call to pray now, but we’ll get back to Him later.

What are the things that keep you from praying? Begin by talking to God about whatever is hindering your prayer-life. Such praying will cultivate the two-way closeness that your heavenly Father is longing to enjoy with you. Why keep God waiting any longer?

— Joanie Yoder We can know that God is watching, Always present, everywhere, And with hope and joy and patience He is waiting for our prayer.

— Roworth

READ: Ephesians 3:8-21 If you’re too busy to pray,

you’re too busy.

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