The Philippine Star

Our Daily Bread

Surprised to be here?


You also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

— Matthew 24:44

It was early February 2000. My wife and I had just flown into Palm Springs, California, for the funeral of a family member. At the airport, a couple we had never met asked us if we were associated with RBC Ministries. They had overheard my name at the car rental counter where they were standing. When the woman learned that I was with RBC, she said, “We are Christians too.” Then she asked, “Are you surprised to still be here?”

“No, not really,” I replied, wondering what was behind her question. But the reason soon became clear. She said that many people had expected Jesus to come on January 1, 2000, to take believers to heaven.

Ever since Jesus left this earth, people have tried to interpret history in the light of prophecy and predict the day of His return. After centuries of unsuccessf­ul date-setting, many well-meaning believers have been surprised — and disillusio­ned — on the day after they were supposed to be gone.

When Jesus told His disciples about His second coming, He said that only God the Father knew the day and hour (Matthew 24:36). Jesus gave many details about the time, but one practical truth stands out: If we are faithfully serving Him, we’ll be ready no matter when He comes. — Dennis De Haan O Lord, we do not need to know Exactly when You will return; So give us patience as we make A godly life our main concern. — Sper

READ: Matthew 24:32-51 If Christ comes today, will you be ready to meet Him?

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