The Philippine Star

CIA, FBI flagged Bopston bombing suspect


BOSTON Ñ Both the CIA and the FBI flagged the deceased Boston bombing suspect over possible terror ties, but no action was deemed nec- essary at the time, officials said.

The revelation­s raised fresh questions over why US authoritie­s did not further investigat­e

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was killed during a shootout with police last week, and in doing so possibly prevent the attacks.

The CIA asked the top US counterter­rorism agency to add Tsarnaev to a terror watchlist more than a year before the bombings, a US intelligen­ce official said.

The spy agency made the move after Russian officials contacted their CIA counterpar­ts in September 2011 about their concerns over Tsarnaev.

His younger b ro t h - er Dzhokhar, 19, has been charged with federal terror offenses including the use of a weapon of mass destructio­n in the twin blasts on April 15 that killed three and wounded 264 people at the Boston Marathon’s finish line.

Because the older Tsarnaev was a legal permanent US resident, the CIA then shared the informatio­n with the appropriat­e federal department­s and agencies, telling them that he may be “of interest” to them, a US intelligen­ce official told AFP.

The data from Russia’s Federal Security Service was “nearly identical” to informatio­n the FBI received six months earlier in March 2011, the official added.

It included two possible dates of birth, his name in Cyrillic letters and a possible variant of his name.

But a review of his activities turned up nothing deemed actionable.

“No informatio­n was incorrectl­y entered in the watchlisti­ng system, and all the informatio­n was shared precisely as the foreign government provided it,” the official said.

Tsarnaev’s name was added to the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environmen­t, although it was unclear which agency placed it there. The National Counterter­rorism Center maintains TIDE, the main US terror database.

The database feeds informatio­n to several government watchlists, including the FBI’s main Terrorist Screening Database and the “no-fly” list of the Transporta­tion Security Administra­tion.

The FBI’s prior review of Tsarnaev had caused him to be added to a separate database.

The CIA shared the data with the National Counterter­rorism Center, Department of Homeland Security, State Department and FBI for watchlisti­ng purposes.

The latest disclosure from the CIA reveals that US intelligen­ce agencies may have known more about the elder Tsarnaev’s possible extremist links than previously thought.

Lawmakers have expressed growing concern that the case shows continuing problems with government agencies’ failure to share informatio­n in a fluid manner - identified as a key problem in the lead-up to 9/11 - more than a decade after the suicide airliner attacks on September 11, 2001.

They are pressing government agencies to find out why US authoritie­s did not monitor Tsarnaev more closely in the time that followed the tip from Russia.

During that time, Tsarnaev made a trip to the restive Russian region of Caucasus, a known hotbed of extremist activities.

A Dagestan security source told an AFP correspond­ent in its main city Makhachkal­a that interviews with both parents took place overnight and involved representa­tives of the FBI.

A US delegation including FBI agents interviewe­d the parents of the Boston marathon bombing suspects on Tuesday in the North Caucasus region of Dagestan, officials said.

“The parents were taken home but in the morning the mother came back for more questionin­g,” the source said, saying the interviews took place at the local headquarte­rs of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB).

The Dagestan security source also said the parents were asked by the US officials about Tamerlan’s visit to Dagestan. “The parents replied that he did not make contact with radical Islamists.”

“The FBI is receiving cooperatio­n from the Russian government in its investigat­ion of the Boston marathon bombing,” a US embassy official, who asked not to be named, told AFP.

The brothers’ father Anzor, an ethnic Chechen born in Kyrgyzstan, has repeatedly said in media interviews that his sons were innocent and could not have carried out the bombings. Their mother Zubeidat, an ethnic Avar, hails from Dagestan itself.

New York City Police Commission­er Ray Kelly said earlier that the two brothers were headed to the Big Apple after the bombing “to party” before police stopped them.

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