The Philippine Star

Our Daily Bread

Hard to imagine


I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better.

— Philippian­s 1:23

Whenever my wife, Martie, and I get ready to go on vacation, we like to read about our destinatio­n, study the maps, and anticipate the joy of finally arriving at the place we’ve dreamed about for so long.

For those of us who know Jesus Christ, we have an incredible destinatio­n ahead of us — heaven. But I find it interestin­g that a lot of us don’t seem to be very excited about getting there. Why is that? Maybe it’s because we don’t understand heaven. We talk about streets of gold and gates of pearl, but what is it really like? What is there to look forward to?

I think the most profound descriptio­n of heaven is found in Paul’s words to the Philippian­s. He said that to “depart and be with Christ” is “far better” (Phil. 1:23). It’s what I told my 8-year-old grandson when he asked what heaven is like. I started by asking him, “What is the most exciting thing in your life?” He told me about his computer game and other fun things he likes to do, and then I told him that heaven is far better. He thought for a minute, and then said, “Papa, that’s hard to imagine.”

What is it that you look forward to in life? What really excites you? Whatever it is, although it’s hard to imagine, heaven will be far better! — Joe Stowell

To be in His presence! A glorious thought

So awesome I cannot conceive; I’ll bow down and worship the Lord

on His throne And add to the praise He’ll receive. — Sper

READ: Philippian­s 1:19-26

The more you look forward to heaven,

the less you’ll desire on earth.

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