The Philippine Star

Wilkins Pure refreshes with the Drink 8 Every Day habit


Especially during summer, as we walk in the sweltering heat of the city or even driving to the office, we all have to deal with the sun’s scorching heat. This summer season, we all face the risk of dehydratio­n as each day seems even hotter than the last.

Whether it be work- related stress made worse by battling the extreme heat of the sun or the perils of overexposu­re to heat while on vacation Ñ we are at high risk of experienci­ng heat-related ailments during this incredibly dry season.

In order to prevent heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and serious heat stroke, it is important to rehydrate consistent­ly. And we go back to something that we learned as early as grade school, the golden rule of hydration: drinking eight glasses of water every day.

Losing large amounts of water in our body through excessive perspirati­on, when most of our summer activities take place outdoors, is inevitable. This is why filling our bodies with the proper amount of fluids to keep it in its best form is vital.

Even as children, we were reminded by our teachers and parents on the benefits of keeping a bottle of water handy at school. And that the most effective way to combat dehydratio­n is by making sure we drink eight glasses a day.

Just like a car in need of the right fuel to function properly, the human body also needs to be filled with a trusted hydration partner Ñ Wilkins Pure, the newest packaged water variant of Wilkins, the country’s most trusted water brand manufactur­ed by The Coca-Cola Company.

Caring for one’s health and wellness begins by simply keeping yourself hydrated. Wilkins Pure is advocating a hydration revolution promoting the habit of drinking eight glasses of water a day-driving the key message that staying hydrated is vital to your health.

On the value of proper hydration, “Our bodies lose large amounts of water each day, which must be replaced. We simply cannot survive very long without it. And, the detrimenta­l mental and physical performanc­e effects of negative water balance or hypohydrat­ion, can set in rather quickly,” according to Dr. Ann Grandjean, hydration expert, sports nutritioni­st, and president of The Human Nutrition Center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

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