The Philippine Star

Comelec issues guidelines on polling precincts for elderly, PWDS


he o ission on lections o elec has co e out with the i ple enting rules and regulation­s of epublic ct 9 6 , which authori es the agency to establish accessible polling precincts exclusivel­y for senior citi ens and people with disabiliti­es s during elections

n esolution 9 6 , the o elec said such polling precincts should be on the ground floor, “preferably near the entrance of the building and is free of any physical barriers and provided with necessary services including assistive devices ”

he o elec has been assigning “express lanes” for senior citi ens and s in the polling precincts, but said there should be “separate non-territoria­l precinct created exclusivel­y” for the

he resolution states that senior citi ens and will have to update their voter s records by applying for “registrati­on, reactivati­on, transfer with reactivati­on, reinstate ent, inclusion of record or correction of entry indicate the type s of their disability as well as the for s of assistance they need ”

“ s and senior citi ens who are already registered but have not indicated the type of disability, or who ay have developed or anifested such disability after having been registered, shall be allowed, during the period of registrati­on, to update their registrati­on records,” the o elec said

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