The Philippine Star

Lessons on talent


I don’t watch a lot of T these days. n those rare occasions that I do, my eyes are glued to the news. But I re member the days when my eyes would be glued to the program merican Idol instead.

I used to catch an episode or two of the famous music competitio­n. I was particular­ly fascinated with the most hated and sometimes the most loved, and in many occasions, the most ad mired judge sitting in the panel, Simon owell.

So many contestant­s were given their moment of fame. Some were really good, and some were really not good some were talented, and some would’ve been better off doing something else other than singing.

Sometimes, aula would now the contestant can’t sing, and andy would now that the contestant doesn’t have the talent, but Simon would now and would insult the contestant with words that cuts right down to the bones and, in no uncertain terms, let the contestant now that he or she couldn’t sing. Then the contestant would brea into tears or throw a glass of water on him. thers would beg to be given another chance, but most of them would wal out of the audition room cussing and cursing.

ere’s a thought Sometimes, every judge in the panel, as well as the audience and the whole production crew, already nows the truth, but one person still doesn’t get it or refuses to get it. That person is the contestant himself

But are those people really so dense that they don’t rec ogni e their wea ness I don’t thin so. But I thin they refuse to ac nowledge their wea ness, and this is why they never improve. ow let me bring you bac to that famous program. uring an eliminatio­n round, a talented singer was voted off. ow unli e those who don’t have talent and were elimi nated, this one had talent and yet was voted off. ll three judges voted him off. I wanted to now why, and my guess was ev erybody wanted to now why The controvers­ial judge, Simon owell, e plained, ou have a good voice, and you’re a nice guy. ou just didn’t do the one thing necessary to go through to the ne t round. ou didn’t stand out from the crowd.

This brings me to another thought. aving talent alone wouldn’t bring a person to true success. While talent is im portant, it’s still insufficie­nt. So many people have talent, but not many of them have reached their dreams or goals with it.

ou need something else other than talent. ou need a resolve to be the best in what you do, to be the best in the field. Because unless you stand out in a crowd, you’ll just blend in with many others and remain unnoticed.

There are many who started their success journey without e traordinar­y talent. They wor ed li e cra y, and they were consumed with the idea of being the best in their field. What talent they had was a good starting point, but their efforts and determinat­ion were what propelled them to another level, beyond what mere talents can offer. merican musi cian erry arcia said, It’s not enough to be the best at

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