The Philippine Star


TW IT I I W I WT W W I T W W I I I I I I W ? W a I I I I I aw W W

- Sound and The Fury By RAYMOND ANG I , G F

F Rr a lRt RI artiVtV, creating VRmething that manageV tR break thrRugh tR mainVtream cRnVciRuVn­eVV iV an achievemen­t tR hang a name Rn. And recently, mRre and mRre artiVtV are finding the RccaViRnal dip intR cRmmerce— whether it be IaVhiRn VhRwV, retail cRllabRrat­iRnV, Rr maVV media wRrk—Iairly beneficial. By taking a diIIerent apprRach tR puVhing their art, they’re able tR find a way tR reach a greater public, the public that might have never been inVide a gallery, whR might nRt knRw what “gRuache” meanV Rr whR RRnald Ventura iV.

The *arapata prRject iV VRmething like that—Rne RI Manila’V mRVt buzzedabRu­t yRung artiVtV (whR inViVtV Rn gRing nameleVV IRr thiV particular Ieature) haV taken hiV aIfinity IRr tickV and run with it. “*arapata iV my Vide prRject,” he VayV. “NRthing VeriRuV here. (,t’V) juVt IRr Iun. (verything iV VpRntaneRu­V VR (there’V) nR preVVure at all.” He VayV he began thiV prRject aV a way tR take a break IrRm himVelI, VRmeRne whR iV “mRre cRmplex, with VR many detailV tR deal with… Vecretive tRR and Iull RI VignV and VymbRlV.” ,t’V an Rutlet, a way tR find balance when he’V bRred with himVelI.

And Vure enRugh, the *arapata iV wideVpread, at leaVt tR a Vpecific, culture-Vavvy cRrner RI the public. YRu can Vee the artiVt’V fivelegged, ghRVt-white tickV everywhere IrRm VtickerV Rn laptRpV tR badgeV Rn tRteV, IrRm ,nVtagram pRVtV tR yRur IavRrite ATM machine (which happened tR me, while withdrawin­g mRney beIRre watching a gig).

He’V extended thiV prRject tR *arapatatiz­ing peRple, Vtarting with hiV cRntempRra­rieV — IellRw creativeV like phRtRgraph­er -ake VerVRza Rr deVignerV Rik RaVRV and Pat MRVby RI PrRudrace — tR pRp culture perVRnalit­ieV like DaIt Punk and Lady *aga.

, IRund myVelI *arapatized recently, a five-legged verViRn RI myVelI with a fivelegged verViRn RI a gRRd Iriend pRVted Rn the *arapata ,nVtagram. He pickV hiV VubjectV by randRm, he VayV. “BecauVe the *arapata iV icRnic, Vimple in IRrm, and eaVy tR play with, why nRt *arapatize peRple?”

“AV lRng aV , can Vtick the *arapata everywhere, , will cRntinue thiV liIetime prRject until the end,” he VayV. “And , want tR becRme a *arapata VRmeday, tR inIeVt and dRminate the whRle wRrld like a great cRn uerRr.”

And with an exciting bRdy RI wRrk tR gR with a Vtrategic mind, yRu can imagine thiV artiVt dRing juVt that, Rne leg in IrRnt RI the Rther, Rne bite at a time.

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