The Philippine Star


F esh faced - ulia and laudia Ba etto and - uliana oPe a e Bench’s ne est endo se s. -ulia and laudia Ba etto a e daughte s of act ess politician a Mo ie Ba etto and coPedian ennis adilla hile -uliana oPe is the daughte of Bench celeb ity couple icha d and / ucy oPe . ll th ee gi ls a e p oud to ep esent Bench and a e e cited to follo in the footsteps of thei pa ents as they begin thei sho bi ca ee s.

he shift f oP childhood to adult hood du ing the fo Pati e teen yea s can get eally t icky. o adays the e’s a lot of p essu e to look good and fit in. Bench ecogni es this and offe s a ide a iety of fashion itePs that cate to diffe ent tastes. hethe it’s a look that’s s eet and gi ly p eppy spo ty edgy o hip you’ll definitely find choice pieces at Bench.

ot su e about hat to get a ents and teens need not o y. Bench and its endo se s help by sho ing ho easy it is to look t endy by Pi ing and Patching pieces. he line’s latest collection featu es a lot of laye ing and b ight colo s. Flo als polka dots st ipes and geoPet ic patte ns gua antee instant attention and echo a f esh youthful ibe. las sics like blue Means and cotton tees act as staples hile skinny Means anging f oP pastels to bold b ight hues and statePent tees oo ing ith splashes of colo encou age pushing one’s style liPit beyond the con entional. eppy button do ns shee tops and schoolgi l inspi ed sepa ates in Puted pastels tone things do n. o spice things up pai theP ith sho ts ado ned ith g aphic p ints fo added edge.

Bench clothing is uniTue as each piece stands ell on its o n and easily Patches hen laye ed o coP bined ith othe pieces. he b and’s budget f iendly ange of p ices and unliPited styling possibilit­ies Pake Bench a fashion hea en fo the youth of today.

isit Bench sto es at leading Palls nation ide. Fo updates follo Bench on itte benchtP and like the official Bench Facebook page at . facebook. coP benchtPof ficial.

 ??  ?? Pastel tops rule: Bench endorsers Julia and Claudia Barretto and Juliana Gomez in the latest fashions for girls, available at Bench stores.
Pastel tops rule: Bench endorsers Julia and Claudia Barretto and Juliana Gomez in the latest fashions for girls, available at Bench stores.
 ??  ?? Instant style points: Layer a sheer top over a cute graphic tee.
Instant style points: Layer a sheer top over a cute graphic tee.
 ??  ?? Picnic-ready: Polka-dot button-downs and denim — don’t forget to accessoriz­e with a fedora!
Picnic-ready: Polka-dot button-downs and denim — don’t forget to accessoriz­e with a fedora!
 ??  ?? Burst of sunshine: Ye l l o w shorts punCH up Any outfit.
Burst of sunshine: Ye l l o w shorts punCH up Any outfit.

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