The Philippine Star

Movies about breaking free

- By Joy Jonette Chuyaco

We are all guilty of being chained up by something one way or another; it could be a bad habit, a relationsh­ip that’s not working, an incurable sickness, a stressful job that pays big, a tempting vice, an attitude that annoys your friends, and many others. While it is not easy to be free from these things, there’s always hope to make things better; if not to completely be free from it, then at least improve the situation. May these movies be an inspiratio­n into making a change and also an encouragem­ent to continue the battle.

Mean Girls. Cady, a 16year-old home-schooled girl, is finally going to a regular school for the first time. With a mission for revenge by her newfound friends, Cady joins “The Plasctics”, the mean girls of the school. Not for long, Cady finds herself turning into one. Realizing how much damage she and “The Plastics” are causing, she decides to make a change, to make things right.

Iron Man. Tony Stark truly proves that any man can change and that it’s never too late to make it happen. After being kidnapped, Tony finally realizes how he has been contributi­ng to the loss of many lives; and so he decides to make that change and becomes a hero — thus Iron Man. No more selfish ambitions for Tony Stark.

Liar Liar. Fletcher Reede is a successful lawyer with a problem of habitual lying; even his wife and son are not spared from this one. Feeling so betrayed, the son makes a wish on his birthday: For his father not to tell a lie for a day. The wish comes true and changes everything. After that day, Fletcher finds himself telling the truth, no more lies. It’s an amazing turnout.

What about Bob?. Bob is afraid of many things. He finds a savior in Dr. Leo Marvins, a famous psychiatri­st. Now, Bob feels that life is better than ever, as long as he has Dr. Marvins, all the time. Against the doctor’s will, Bob finds his way to joining the Marvins during a holiday. Miraculous­ly, through good relationsh­ips, Bob gets healed. He becomes a normal sociable guy. Nothing is impossible.

Ghost of Girlfriend’s Past. Connor is a certified womanizer. He thinks that falling in love is equal to getting hurt and so he just plays around to avoid the pain. One night, strange events start to happen: His past revisits him — the key to why he is the way he is. After this, he tries his best to correct everything and finally be in love for real. While it is not easy to just forget the pain, it could also be the reason why we feel stuck at times.

As Good As It Gets. Melvin has a problem being with anybody. He is obsessivec­ompulsive, he is full of anger, and his odd behavior is just unbelievab­le. No one dares to interact with him, except for a brave and patient waitress. She becomes the key to Melvin’s gradual change. Truly, it takes the right key to open a door. All About Steve. Mary has a problem in getting along with people. After being set up on a blind date with Steve Miller, she believes that he is the key to her happiness. The problem is, Steve doesn’t feel the same and feels there’s something weird about her. Mary begins to stalk Steve. However, an incident wakes Mary into the reality that she can be happy even without Steve — Alas, free!

500 Days of Summer. One of the most painful truths in falling in love is when it’s one-sided. Tom is madly in love with Summer, but Summer feels nothing more than friendship. He tries to wait, hoping that her feelings will change. Every time they meet, it seems like there’s a chance. Until one day, after 500 days, Tom realizes that he needs to accept the painful truth and set her free. Be brave to let things go, as new ones will come along.

Requiem for a Dream. The film is about addiction and the harmful effects of it. The characters in the movie become addicts and waste their precious lives depending on drugs. They end up in the hospital, suffering from the effects of addiction. This has long been a problem all over the world. Some victims are freed from it; while others remain chained by it. It is sad but true.

Flight. Whip Whitaker is a pilot with a drinking problem. One day, the plane he is flying experience­s engine problem and requires emergency landing, He successful­ly lands it and so most passengers are safe. Problem starts to arise when upon investigat­ion, he is found to be intoxicate­d. After a series of arguments, legal battles, more drinking and losing his license, Whip finally goes to prison and frees himself from alcohol. As what he said, “...for the first time in my life, I am free.”

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