The Philippine Star

Penumbral lunar eclipse visible today

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penumbral lunar eclipse ill oc cur today.

he hilippine tmospheric eo physical and stronomica­l er ices dministrat­ion said the eclipse ill begin at p. m. hil ippine tandard ime and end at p. m.

n anila the moon ill rise at p. m. on pril and set at a. m. the follo ing day.

e n u m b r a re f e r s to a partially shaded outer region of a shado that an ob ect casts.

penumbral eclipse occurs hen the moon passes through the faint pen umbral portion of the earth s shado ” said.

enumbral eclipses are so subtle and aguely isible they go greatly un noticed according to the ational eronautics and pace dministrat­ion .

total lunar eclipse ill be ob ser ed in estern frica estern urope the mericas ustralasia and eastern sia.

he moon turns coppery red during the eclipse as it passes through the arth s shado .

eople in orth and outh merica ill be able to see the entire eclipse hile sky atchers in the estern a cific can catch only the last half said.

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