The Philippine Star


(April 15 Tuesday)


cull Moon and Total iunar bclipse It sometimes takes a moment of doubt or the fear of losing someone to help us understand what we have in another person. The point is cosmically illustrate­d in the moment the full moon in iibra disappears in a shadow. The total lunar eclipse helps us understand the opportunit­y in our love lives and close partnershi­ps that has been there all along.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). ptreamlini­ng your life doesn’t have to be a painful process, and you have a shining incentive for lightening your load. vou feel absolutely ready to lose what you’ll never miss.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). It isn’t necessary to categorize each thought you have as either true or false. There’s much that can’t be known. eowever, discerning between helpful and not helpful thoughts will enhance your well-being.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). thatever the source of your greatest indecision may be, today you will feel clearer on the subject. vou may even be ready to make a choice. oest assured, you can always change your mind later if you want to.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). If you have the feeling that there won’t be a perfect or right moment, you’re correct. po just begin now and proceed. Tonight you’ll laugh with someone very dear to you.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A proverb suggests that whenever you point your finger at someone, there are three pointing back at you. Today, you’ll need to be even more careful than usual in how you describe and discuss others.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). vou will realize the benefit in something you once considered to be a mistake. Given the choice, maybe you wouldn’t repeat it, but you’ll be glad for how ev- erything worked out.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). vou’ll feel inventive, and it will be fun for you to dream up ideas and ponder the different ways that you might make them happen. Tonight your knack for special relations will be useful.

SCORPIO ( Oct. 24- Nov. 21). A bit of skepticism will prove healthy. vou don’t always have to agree with your own thoughts. gust because it’s running through your head doesn’t make it yours.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). vou’ll do the right thing at the right time, which sometimes happens to be the wrong thing. vou’ll commit to fun and folly while you have the chance.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). bven though you are well aware of the risks involved in a situation, you prefer to be around the optimistic people who don’t mention the dangers at every turn.

AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20-Feb. 18). vou’re mighty influentia­l today, and the best way to apply this superpower is to convince yourself to do what’s good for you. lnce you convince yourself, it won’t matter to you who else is convinced.

PISCES ( Feb. 19-March 20). vou were given the power of great personal drive for a reason, and you’ll use it well. To do what it takes to make your plans happen more or less the way you imagine them is an act of love and selfrespec­t.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY ( April 15). vou’re duty-bound to overcome whatever stopped you from achieving last year’s goal. vou will succeed, provided you refuse to give up. camily supports a dream venture in May. gune brings romantic excitement. pingles spark with new types; couples adventure together. vour popularity spikes in guly and August. ieo and Taurus people adore you. vour lucky numbers are: 45, 28, 15, 39 and 26.


PLUTO: The retrograde status of mluto in Capricorn begins a five-month cycle of processing the past. If you dread facing the “yuck” of your yesterdays, have no fear. There is more than one way to overcome emotional baggage. Tip No. 2: tork from the outside in. Those who are averse to working from the inside out may have a better experience working from the outside in. vou can break the hold that the past has over you by freshening your environmen­t at home and work. This keeps you moving in current time instead of reliving yesterday’s same old flow. New paint or a rearrangem­ent of furniture won’t take all that long, but such rearrangem­ents will change your feng shui and, by extension, your fortunes.

As you adjust your environmen­t, think about the role of light. ietting light into your environmen­t will lighten the heart, as well. vou also can lighten up by getting rid of useless, worn and ugly physical possession­s. As you purge the physical evidence of the past, your mind will follow the trend.

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