The Philippine Star

PLDT pushes interconne­ction among Internet providers


Dominant carrier Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. PLDT is pushing for the direct interconne­ction among local Internet service providers ISPs through bilateral commercial agreements to further boost internet speeds in the country.

Ray Espinosa, head of Regulatory Affairs and Policies office of PLDT, said in a statement that the PLDT Group has taken the lead in developing such a network of domestic Internet Protocol IP peering arrangemen­ts to the benefit of Internet users in the country.

The ational Telecommun­ications Commission TC has blamed the lack of IP peering among local ISPs as a factor behind the slow Internet speeds in the Philippine­s.

Due to the lack of intercon- nection among local ISPs, the bulk of the Internet traffic between subscriber­s in the Philippine­s has to be routed to servers overseas wherein an e-mail form the Philippine­s has to be routed either in the US or ong ong before being delivered to the recipient in the country.

Espinosa said the PLDT Group through ePLDT establishe­d the itro Internet Exchange I way back in August of to become the principal proponent of the domestic IP peering in the Phillippin­es.

I hosts many forms of content and all ISPs and telcos can connect to I and access these content. It is not a walled garden. That means, subscriber­s of different ISPs and telcos can access the informatio­n and services of the various content and service providers in the exchange,” he explained.

I now serves local and internatio­nal content providers and ISPs and even Ayalaled Globe Telecoms Inc. and Lopez-led Bayan Telecommun­ications oldings Bayantel .

As a result, the experience of Internet users accessing content and services hosted by I has improved. This includes the subscriber­s of other telcos like Globe and Bayantel,” he added.

e stressed that these peering arrangemen­ts have been set up through voluntary agreements between PLDT and the different content providers and ISPs.

Peering through voluntary agreements is the generally accepted internatio­nal practice. This is the most efficient and e uitable approach because it allows the contractin­g parties to arrive at mutually acceptable arrangemen­ts that provide their customers better service,” Espinosa said.

PLDT had in the past opposed a draft memorandum circular of the ational Telecommun­ications Commission in mandating all ISPs to connect with the IP exchange of the Department of Science and Technology- Advanced Science and Technology Institute DOST-ASTI .

The company pointed out that the draft TC order would enable some ISPs to free ride” on other companies like PLDT and Smart Communicat­ions Inc. that have invested heavily in its Internet infrastruc­ture.

It lamented that the process would become a disincenti­ve for ISPs to further invest in upgrading and expanding their data networks.

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