The Philippine Star



Second-Sight Moon The emotionall­y attuned watersign energy swirls at deeper levels as the moon explores a fresh part of the sky. Those who already feel they have a strong psychic gift will be impressed with what this Scorpio moon of second sight brings out. Vivid dreams and visions and a strong sense of the unknown add a mystical element now.

ARIES March - April ). You love people who can tell you something you don’t know, bring you a new vision of the world and make you curious. Your friends do that, and so will the person you meet today.

TA R S April -May . You’ll get in sync with nature, most likely by taking advantage of the weather. If it’s sunny, you’ll let the sunshine kiss and heal you. If it’s rainy, you’ll let it wash your soul clean.

GEMINI May -June . One of your formerly quiet ambitions starts making some noise. ow can you make this happen New resources are available, so even if you did research before, do it again. There is a way now.

CANCER June -July . You may feel drawn to get to know new people. The approach is always the hardest part because you never know what response you’re going to get. Mostly you’ll be admired for making the first move.

E July -Aug. . You’re a sleuth today. Also, you’ll be able to gather up enough evidence to prove whatever point you’d like to make. So the trick is in staying open-minded enough not to come to an early conclusion.

VIRG Aug. -Sept. . hat’s actually occurring in your mind has nothing to do with what someone believes is going on in there. You prefer to keep your thoughts private, and others will respect this.

(July 7 Monday)

IBRA Sept. - ct. . That boastful someone is ust feeling insecure and trying too hard to fit in. Your compassion­ate response will include giving off the energy of acceptance and redirectin­g the conversati­on to better topics.

SC RPI ct. -Nov. . It may feel like everyday life is a kind of grid, and you’d like to do some diagonal or loopy moves ust to knock yourself off of the rigid pattern. Go for it!

SAGITTARI S Nov. -Dec. . You trust yourself to react appropriat­ely

not perfectly, but appropriat­ely. That’s real confidence, and it’s what attracts someone special to you tonight.

CAPRIC RN Dec. -Jan. . A reasonable and moderate style will serve you well, especially in matters of

finance. Even if you have a hot hunch, move slowly. This is a day for cautious dealings.

A ARI S Jan. - Feb. . Being one of the group will be more fun than standing out on your own. The oy of teamwork will trump any gains you might have obtained with an individual win.

PISCES Feb. -March . If you knew exactly what you were going to see, say and do, it wouldn’t be an adventure. If you make a mistake, you’ll also make up for it, so don’t let anything get in the way.

T DA S BIRTHDA July . You’re important to many people; however, you don’t want the extra attention this brings. You do your work for reasons that are personal and private to you, and the world’s opinion matters little. Success and social fun will be especially newsworthy in September and December. A lifestyle makeover happens in January. Leo and Scorpio people adore you. Your lucky numbers are 4, ,2 ,1 and 11.

ASTR GICA ESTI NS “hat is an opposition ”

The second most powerful astrologic­al aspect ( after the con unction) is the opposition. Planets are in opposition when they are 1 0 mathematic­al degrees apart from each other in an astrologic­al chart. Think of two children on a seesaw at the park. They’re as far apart from each other as they can possibly be, and yet they share a common center. Planets in opposition have contradict­ory agendas, and yet there is still the possibilit­y of finding balance. e on Earth may experience conflict and confusing push- pull feelings during opposition­s. Opposites do attract, though sometimes one needs to call in a mediator to settle disputes! This summer, for example, ranus and Saturn are due for a rare opposition. Saturn likes things to be safe and predictabl­e, while ranus is fond of sudden surprises. Saturn prefers old, reliable methods, whereas ranus likes to be on the cutting edge of innovation. Needless to say, when these two giants duke it out for supremacy, we on Earth can expect a battle of wills. eep your cool during an argument by finding common ground and being flexible. After all, you may be on opposite sides of the seesaw, but without each other, you’ll go nowhere.

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